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Hello All,
I have a digital media education blog. I thought that a great way to get exposure
for it would be to include a link to it, in a signature, on here. I have found out
that this isn't allowed. It is getting harder and harder to utilize this technique
in other places as well.
How have you been successful in getting exposure to your blogs?
Are there any techniques that you have used, that have provided good results (hopefully, in a speedy fashion)?
I understand that building an audience takes time.
Please advise.
Thank you kindly.
Daniel L Rappaport
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I run one too, though I've been bad about updates. elearningchef dot com. I signed up for one or two of those blog aggregators - i.e. elearningfeeds dot com and, when I was more actively writing posts, submitting them - selectively - to a couple groups on LinkedIn. I never gained a large following, but some... A Very Key Aspect of such things is keeping content fresh and unique. Blogs are everywhere, what makes yours different? Gotta stay active and current...
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Hey there, Erik,
Thank you for your suggestions and resources! I have been thinking about LinkedIn.... It might be useful. I will certainly submit to e-Learning Feed!
Have a great one!
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hello again Daniel,
this is your dragon book blog you want to talk about?
are you any good at talking one on one to people?...
yes = I'd look into doing a 1 hour twitch cast (start slow) and build up
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Hello Ussnorway,
Thank you for your response. So, to be clear, it's a digital media education blog, where I explain how I do what I do with Pazzaria Productions. It's called Pazzaria DigiEd Blog.
Twitch appears to be targeted towards the video game demographic. So, I am not sure that that platform would be appropriate?
At this time, Pazzaria Productions focuses on epic, fantasy literature.
Is there a similar venue, such as Twitch, that you suggest?
Thank you again.
-Daniel L Rappaport
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Twitch is no longer just game related. Many Adobe Community Professionals use Twitch to cast about all things related to Adobe products. Check it out, you might be surprised by what you find there.
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Have you looked at getting in the user groups at the technology in education groups such as ISTE, TCEA, FETC, etc. and posting there? Or, even their Facebook accounts? Or, the various CTE groups by state?