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I'm starting a new college course next week and I'm quite apprehensive as the average age of the students is 18-22 and I'm the grand old age of 48. Any other late developers, or constant learners out there doing something similar?
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are we talking Photoshop or belly dancing?
never too old mate!
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IMHO, 48 is quite young!
I teach at a community college and also at Adobe Authorized Training Centers. You may be one of the few who is not multi-tasking (i.e., looking at your phone) during class and are therefore at an advantage!
Arrive early and get a good seat.
Have fun, and let us know how it goes!
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Copied wrote
I'm the grand old age of 48.
You young whipper snapper!
Everyday is a new learning experience of one kind or another.
As jane-e said, have fun with it.
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Thank you all for your encouraging words. My first class is this afternoon - 2D animation, so quite exciting, Hope it finishes in time for me to make my belly dancing for beginners class!
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Oooh animation! I generally prefer animated films etc. to live action especially as they have a distinct art style.
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theres no such thing as old, is only a mental state .. and many of us stay young just by never retireing and constantly developing ourselfes. never retire, our worst enemy is not age is retirement. lol.
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I agree, 48 is young. I had a great-aunt who never stopped taking classes - into her 90's.
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The title should be young head on semi-old shoulders... One is just hitting their stride at 48 and this carries on for years to come- or haven't you heard the old is young again?
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well sometimes our mind starts thinking as a childs mind even thou we approach 50 or more lol.
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Hi Alma, 42 here!
I'm a PS retoucher, that's my job: but in the last ~8 years, I've started teaching myself software development in my spare time (aka night-time) – to date, almost 50% of my incomes are related to this side-business.
I've never participated in actual classes, but I took several online courses and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that I've always had (and after my 40th birthday more than before) the feeling I was *unbearably slow*.
Part of this comes from the fact that I have my own, daytime, regular job that keeps me worried – besides family and stuff – so it looks like there isn't enough space in my brain to really sink in what I'm studying, nor time slots to keep concentrated.
Not to mention the fact that software development progresses at a very fast pace, and in this business kids are awfully fast learners; one (e.g. me) may soon feel old, rusty and of little use.
These months, I'm approaching machine learning (I was right now procrastinating very late at night the reading of a particularly tough chapter), but you know what?
It is *fun*. Everything else: doesn't really matter.
So keep doing what you do, and as physics Nobel Price winner Richard Feynman once put it: "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" 🙂
Cheers from Italy!