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OT: Stand Mounting Speakers

Community Expert ,
May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017

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Is anything Off Topic in the Lounge?  Probably not.  I can't think of a good place to ask this other than maybe one of the DVInfo forums.  All Things Audio perhaps?

I use a pair of Mackie Tapco S5 monitors for my computer sound and video editing.  They are a bit OTT, but they do a damn fine job.

I might need to use these in a PA set up for my Camera Club later this year, and I have it in mind to mount them on heavy duty light stands.  I'll make a couple of brackets like below (I belong to a Menz Shed with metal working equipment), but my question is can I safely screw these brackets into the base of the speakers?

(Drawing done with SketchUp)

I'm guessing that the speakers will be made of MDF, and you can get screws specifically for MDF (and they are lovely shiney things that Gollum himself would treasure).  I can't think of any reason this would affect the sound, but I am definitely a bit nervous.  If speaker base is not thick enough for the screws to get a good hold, I could remove the main driver and use nuts and bolts right through to the inside.  The speakers weigh 8.5lb each, so the base must surly be a good 25mm thick.

I could attach the brackets to lipped wooden shelves with a retaining strap (they don't need to look pretty).   This would be a better solution from the point of view of putting them back behind my computer monitors.  If anyone knows about this stuff, I'd be pleased to hear their opinion?  Or failing that, a forum where I could find some experts at this sort of thing?





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Community Expert ,
May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017

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Tapco S5 |  "massively constructed from 5/8-inch MDF"

So, depending on the thickness of the base bracket you plan to use, a 3/4" screw should work OK

If it were me, to counter the vibration that is inherent in speakers, I would apply glue between bracket and speaker before screwing the bracket to the bottom of the speaker




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May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017

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it will work but it may change the sound you get from them as well... I agree put something between the wood and metal, perhaps some sort of rubber material




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People's Champ ,
May 18, 2017 May 18, 2017

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Instead of heavy light stands, why not go for proper speaker stands?  These will almost certainly come with a 35mm mount at the top so your on-speaker bracket would have to fit this size.  Such things are available commercially though I can't comment on the quality.

I'd also put something between your plate and the speaker--in the past for similar purposes I've cut up computer mouse mats and screwed through them.




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Guide ,
May 18, 2017 May 18, 2017

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Just a note: If this is the same speaker


Then according to the manual that bottom plate is only 16mm thick, not 25.




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