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I sometimes read or listen to the news about the 'culture wars' happening today with a little bit of wonder... the only social media platform I use is Facebook, and that only once a day to see what some distant friends have to say, so I have to shake my head when someone gets upset about different thoughts and ideas and leaves or threatens to leave FB or X/Twitter or even going so far as to say they are going to move to a different country (how many celebrities who SAID they were going leave the US actually DID leave if 'their' candidate didn't win?)
When someone makes a comment I don't like on FB I ignore it and go to the next message... what I really don't like about FB is the list of 'people you may know' who I don't know... and the random links to sites I will never visit that are dropped in when I am on FB... I am not interested in F1 races or used cars or any other crappy sites, so I keep blocking them and more random stuff keeps showing up... oh well, such is life in the digital age
I do have to laugh about one celebrity... George Clooney & wife live at Lake Como in France, but I just heard on the radio that he is very upset with the loss by Kamala... he has already left, at least in part, so being concerned about a US election is laughable... he is rich and lives in an exclusive area so the crime and financial problems faced by the average people in the US don't matter to him
Also, there are the complaints about the 'free' exchange of ideas on social media
First, Mark Zuckerberg admitted suppressing free speech
Then, Elon Musk bought Twitter and changed the censorship there to make the platform more equal
Anyone may post their thoughts where they feel comfortable, but leaving a platform due to a leveled playing field would seem to be a case of not wanting any discussion of opposing ideas... oh well, if your feathers are the same I guess you will flock together
Here is a comment (picture) I found that I think is both true and funny
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As a result this is putting a huge strain on the NHS...
By @Ricky336
Does that mean the working-class pays more in taxes while the wealthiest landowners enjoy massive tax breaks?
The most popular baby name in the UK for this year was Mohammed. The UK is lost.
By @Leslie Moak Murray
Mohammed is a popular name everywhere. So what? Not long ago, everyone in the U.S. was naming their kids Zoe (a Greek name). Seriously, name your kids whatever you want. Only racist xenophobes like the EDL who target ethnic minorities would make a major issue out of an innocent baby's name.
What would Jesus say? Peace on Earth and goodwill to mankind, if you're the right skin tone.
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I'm sorry but it's not normal for Mohammed to be the most popular baby name in England for petes sake and I think you know that. And it's not valid to try to ascribe "xenophobia" or "racism" any other insult to being concerned! Good grief. It has nothing to do with that.
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I'm not an expert on what 'normal baby names' are in the UK or anywhere else. My guess is that John, Paul, George & Ringo aren't on the list anymore?
Xenophobia & racism accurately describe what the EDL & its followers stand for. I'm surprised you don't know that. Do a Google search for 2024 UK Riots.
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The EDL is pretty much defunct, but did you know it had Jewish, Sikh and LGBT subgroups? It did. But anyway, to have the kneejerk reaction of lumping me in with them because I have perfectly legitimate objections to Islam's attempts to obliterate us and take us back to the 9th century with them isn't very fair. They are trying to erase Western culture, and I don't think it 's a good idea.
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They are trying to erase Western culture, and I don't think it 's a good idea.
By @Leslie Moak Murray
NEWS FLASH: 'they' is an imaginary boogie man that crisis actors use to distract us while they rob us blind. Wake up & smell the coffee while you can still afford to buy it.
Meanwhile, the 78-year-old, toddler tyrant-elect & his oligarch 'friends' intend to:
Western culture may be on the precipice, but it's not Islam or any other migrant group that's doing it to us. We're doing it to ourselves. 😥
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Western culture may be on the precipice, but it's not Islam or any other migrant group that's doing it to us. We're doing it to ourselves.
By @Nancy OShea
By allowing uncontrolled migration.
It might be better to do without borders completely. And move forward to literally a World without .Borders. Nation States are now so passé!!😀
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And that's what they (the WEF) want. A country without borders isn't a country.
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Denmark bolsters Greenland's defense
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And you will own nothing and be happy!
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Hablo un poco español. 😀
It's paranoia! If one is legal then there is nothing to get one's knickers in a twist! Lots of people speak Spanish!
Merry Christmas everyone and to all a good night.😴
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By @John T Smith
How quickly things changed. Overnight, Musk throttled and banned MAGA accounts by Laura Loomer and other conservative influencers because they dared to disagree with Musk.
Musk's honeymoon with MAGA may be over.
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Laura Loomer is not banned from X. She just posted 7 minutes ago.
Musk and Ramaswamy's stance on H1B visas is controversial to be sure, but the way the Left is trying to make it into a "war" and trying to say there's trouble in paradise is fake news. As usual.
-edit typo
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Laura Loomer is not banned from X.
By @Leslie Moak Murray
Loomer's account was banned for 12 hours (aka Twitter jail). She was censored from posting/following or sending/receiving DMs. More than 14 other conservative critics of Musk complained of shadowbanning and having their blue verification badges revoked— cutting them off from a variety of paid premium features, including the ability to monetize their accounts through subscriptions and ad revenue-sharing. The platform essentially clipped their wings. If that's not banning, it's the closest thing to it.
Conservatives said they considered X’s actions to be a betrayal by Musk, who touts himself as a free-expression advocate even as he calls for jailing some of his critics. Musk's sizzling hypocrisy can't be ignored be either side now.
the way the Left is trying to make it into a "war" and trying to say there's trouble in paradise is fake news. As usual.
This is why so many users made the mass X-odus from Twitter when they did. Now that Twitter's conservatives are deprived of their preferred prey, the leopards are eating each other's faces. This screenshot says it all.
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Laura Loomer is not banned from X.
By @Leslie Moak Murray============
Loomer's account was banned for 12 hours (aka Twitter jail).
By @Nancy OShea
So this means , do not pass go , do not collect two hundred dollars and go to jail, until you get a 'get out of jail free card'!😃
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So this means , do not pass go , do not collect two hundred dollars...
By @Ricky336
Monetization is a huge part of social media. For many, it's their bread & butter. When someone cuts off the purse strings, that crosses the cultural divide into commerce. And when it's done by the richest guy on the planet, it becomes an all out class war.
That's what's going down on Twitter — an all out class war between the elite tech-bro-right who want more H-1B work visas, and the MAGA-right who want to revoke all work visas.
Interestingly, Melania Trump and Elon Musk were allowed to enter the U.S. on H-1B work visas. Without them, they'd still be in Slovenia & South Africa today.
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So perhaps it would be better to say "Mr Trump, 'tear down this wall' " and do without H-1B work visas altogether .😁
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TikTok ban is imminent
The owner, ByteDance, has to sell the platform to a U.S. company by January 10 or see it banned entirely.
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I didn't save the link, but a few weeks ago I read an article that claimed that the US arm of TT did not have access to any statistics... they had to ask the Chinese owner to provide the information
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Trump says he'll rescind the TikTok ban as soon as he takes office. ByteDance has no plans to sell TikTok.
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>Trump says he'll rescind the TikTok ban as soon as he takes office.
That is not what I see the article saying... he asked for a delay
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In his first term, Trump called for a ban on TikTok. Then before the election he reversed course, promising he alone could "Save TikTok" by rescinding the ban and brokering a deal for TikTok to be bought by a U.S. company. But ByteDance still refuses to sell.
2 days ago, Trump went off another cliff— ranting on Truth Social about "windmills" in the North Sea. But the topic was "windfall taxes" not "windmills." 🙄
Just a mini-preview of what to expect after January 20th. 🤦
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a) No, the topic was offshore windmills, and "windfall taxes" were mentioned in the article.
b) Reuters was given $300 million by the Biden White House, so their "journalism" is not exactly journalism.
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$300 million in government contracts pales by comparison to the $15.4 BILLION that SpaceX & Tesla are enjoying. Or the $TRILLIONS that Trump wants to earmark for wealthy oligarchs, but can't due to the debt ceiling limit. And that's excluding his planned purchase of Greenland, with its rich resources & renewable energy.
Windmills are not the problem & never have been. The North Sea oil reserves are drying up at breakneck speed. It costs more to drill there than it's worth at the pump. Besides, the fossil fuel era is over. The future is in harvesting hydrogen. When we crack that nut, we're golden for two generations.
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This will be a good thing. There are a lot of crazy posts on TikTok!
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This is why so many users made the mass X-odus from Twitter when they did. Now that Twitter's conservatives are deprived of their preferred prey, the leopards are eating each other's faces.
By @Nancy OShea
And so it is. Tribalism, us vs them! The left wing vs the right wing . Left =good! Right = bad! This development is fascinating!
At least the ones who made the mass exodus from X are now unburdened by what has been!😃 What was is no more!