There is not much I can do about this issue. <br /> <br />The problem is that the end user block is of limited size, and your font has filled it up. MakeOTF uses this area to assign arbitrary Unicode values to all the glyphs for which its heuristics cannot derive a valid Unicode value. When this happens, there are no other Unicode values that can be used. <br /> <br />Your comment about using GAODB to assign Unicode values suggests to me that you do have valid Unicode values in mind for at least some of these glyphs; if this is the case, then you should not be letting MakeOTF assign end-user-area values, which have no semantic value and which will map to different glyphs in different fonts. The MakeOTF heuristics only cover a relatively small number of glyph names, so all glyph names not covered by the heuristics should be assigned Unicode values either by using a "uni<XXXX> name or with the third column of the GAODB file.