Yes, that's why it doesn't affect those long-time Adobe applications. I can't really comment on changes in future versions of Adobe applications, I'm afraid.
For Flash, there are some issues in how Flash handles names across platforms that may make it difficult, but if it will work at all, that's the right way. Not that it's "fake" styling at all: styles can get at the correct fonts as long as they are style linked. I used to use the styles on Mac OS all the time, because I needed to make documents that would be cross-platform with Windows.
Although I don't object to direct emails, in general I prefer to answer questions in public forums like this one. This has at least two advantages:
1) Somebody else might give the correct answer and save me some time. :)
2) Other people will read the correct answer and gain something from it.
Also, I have some immediate deadlines and am about to be traveling for a week, so I may be scarce for a bit.