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I have a bunch of old fonts that I've kept each time I upgraded to a new computer or OS (WIndows 95 to XP and now Windows 7). In the past, I've always been able to easily pick out which fonts I wanted to install uning Adobe Type Manager. Well, ATM doesn't work in Win 7. I can install fonts just fine BUT trying to figure out which particular file to install is the problem. I can see the files names like pvw3__.pfm, but I don't know which font that is. I can discover the font name if I double click on the .pfm file, but clicking on each one indivivually to try and find the one I want is painfully slow. Is there some utility or setting that will show uninstalled font names?
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Have the same problem, it's killing me
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bump: Please someone help with this solution. I have found that ttf can have "Title" enabled in details view (right click on the columns and check the "Title" and this will work to show the names. But this does not work for pfm/pfb files. Pleae someone help.