The problem appears to be that you are trying to use an externalPageDestination to point at the same document as the source. Apparently CS3 allowed that but CS4 doesn't. This works (notice I had to refer to a particular page not just an index to the page): var file_path = "~/Desktop/Amit.indd"; var OpenDocument =; myDoc = app.activeDocument; var myfile = File(file_path); var nextPage = ["38p5", "26p0", "40p0", "30p0"]; // Next Page text frame for hyperlink (y1, x1, y2, x2) var prevPage = ["38p5", "21p0", "40p0", "25p0"]; // Previous Page text frame for hyperlink (y1, x1, y2, x2) var myNextFrame = myDoc.pages.item(0).textFrames.add(); myNextFrame.geometricBounds = [nextPage[0], nextPage[1], nextPage[2], nextPage[3]]; var myNextSource = myDoc.hyperlinkPageItemSources.add(myNextFrame,{name:'P1:P2'}); var myNextDest = myDoc.hyperlinkPageDestinations.add(); myNextDest.destinationPage = myDoc.pages[1]; myNextDest.viewSetting = HyperlinkDestinationPageSetting.fitWindow; myHlink = myDoc.hyperlinks.add(myNextSource, myNextDest, {visible:false, name:'P1:P2'}); Dave
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