The answer is yes, script do the jobs in old style, the objects script created are PathItems, not Shapes. A solution can be record an action and call it in script. Here is a example: String.prototype.formatUnicorn = function () { "use strict"; var str = this.toString(); if (arguments.length) { var t = typeof arguments[0]; var key; var args = ("string" === t || "number" === t) ? : arguments[0]; for (key in args) { str = str.replace(new RegExp("\\{" + key + "\\}", "gi"), args[key]); } } return str; }; function drawArc(p) { var w = h = addZero(2 * p.r), x = addZero(p.x), y = addZero(p.y), s = addZero(p.s), e = addZero(p.e); var actionStr = [ '/version 3', '/name [ 3', ' 736574', ']', '/actionCount 1', '/action-1 {', ' /name [ 6', ' 616374696f6e', ' ]', ' /eventCount 3', ' /event-1 {', ' /internalName (ai_plugin_ovalTool)', ' /hasDialog 1', ' /showDialog 0', ' /parameterCount 7', ' /parameter-1 {', ' /key 1953460076', ' /type (integer)', ' /value 14', ' }', ' /parameter-2 {', ' /key 2003072104', ' /type (unit real)', ' /value {w}', ' /unit 592476268', ' }', ' /parameter-3 {', ' /key 1751607412', ' /type (unit real)', ' /value {h}', ' /unit 592476268', ' }', ' /parameter-4 {', ' /key 1668182644', ' /type (boolean)', ' /value 0', ' }', ' /parameter-5 {', ' /key 1668183128', ' /type (unit real)', ' /value {x}', ' /unit 592476268', ' }', ' /parameter-6 {', ' /key 1668183129', ' /type (unit real)', ' /value {y}', ' /unit 592476268', ' }', ' /parameter-7 {', ' /key 1667854947', ' /type (boolean)', ' /value 0', ' }', ' }', ' /event-2 {', ' /internalName (ai_liveshape_ellipse)', ' /parameterCount 3', ' /parameter-1 {', ' /key 1936220528', ' /type (enumerated)', ' /name [ 0', ' ]', ' /value 9', ' }', ' /parameter-2 {', ' /key 1954115685', ' /type (enumerated)', ' /name [ 0', ' ]', ' /value 10', ' }', ' /parameter-3 {', ' /key 1885950836', ' /type (unit real)', ' /value {s}', ' /unit 591490663', ' }', ' }', ' /event-3 {', ' /internalName (ai_liveshape_ellipse)', ' /parameterCount 3', ' /parameter-1 {', ' /key 1936220528', ' /type (enumerated)', ' /name [ 0', ' ]', ' /value 9', ' }', ' /parameter-2 {', ' /key 1954115685', ' /type (enumerated)', ' /name [ 0', ' ]', ' /value 11', ' }', ' /parameter-3 {', ' /key 1885947246', ' /type (unit real)', ' /value {e}', ' /unit 591490663', ' }', ' }', '}' ].join('\n') .formatUnicorn({w:w, h:h, x:x, y:y, s:s, e:e}); createAction(actionStr, 'set'); app.doScript('action', 'set'); app.unloadAction('set', ''); } function addZero(n) { return (n + '.0').replace(/(\.\d*)(\.?0?)$/, '$1') } function createAction(str, set) { var f = File(set + '.aia');'w'); f.write(str); f.close(); app.loadAction(f); f.remove(); } drawArc({ x:100, y:100, r:50, s:60, e:120 })
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