Hi, Marc! I think we are missing something important here. Via UI one can only assign a color to the fill or the stroke, IF the color we search for is already applied to an object EXCEPT for the four basic swatches which are always available ([None], [Black], [Paper] and [Registration]). So if you like to search for a defined swatch named "C=100 M=0 Y=50 K=0" which is not assigned to an object, you simply cannot do so. I checked the constructor of app.findObjectPreferences.fillColor when various colors are assigned from the UI. app.findObjectPreferences.fillColor.constructor; gave me the following results: if fillColor is set in the UI to [None], [Paper], [Black] or [Registration] Result: Color() if fillColor is set to nothing at all: Result: Enumerator() In that case "app.findObjectPreferences.fillColor;" returns the word NOTHING to the ESTK console. if a swatch other than [None], [Paper], [Black] or [Registration] is set: Result: this property is not valid in actual state (rough translation of my German ESTK error message) I checked the properties with "app.findObjectPreferences.toSource();" (no fill color is asigned in the UI), the property fillColor is found: fillColor:({}). A fill color out of the basic four swatches reveals the following property: fillColor:resolve("/color[@id=14]"). In the case of this example [Registration] was asigned via UI. However if a swatch already used in the document like "C=100 M=0 Y=50 K=0" was assigned, the property "fillColor" is not available anymore when checking with toSource(). The property simply has vanished… Uwe
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