Just to give my opinion and also give some light to someone, I used Flash Builder since version 3 to 4.7 (this one since day 1 until about a month ago). Because of lack for precious time to investigate another IDE, I never switched to another but after YEARS without any single update, delays from IDE because the projects became bigger and complex, a few crashs here and there and for last but not least, a clear decision from Adobe that we will not recieve any new update (read the lines), I decide to try for good other possibilities and I choosed IntelliJ (other possibilities must be payed as a service or was not multiplatform, etc ...) I needed a whole week on trial with IntelliJ. The only think that I couldn't use on IntelliJ was to build for Android with x86 (fixed on last build of IDE). The IDE is far from perfect and seems that flash_flex is the less updated module but the standard (comum) is intensively updated and guess what: there is someone that responde your question in 1 or 2 business days. Even from miracle, Adobe decide to release FB 4.8 or even FB 5.0, would be very hard to go back.
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