‎Jan 05, 2024
06:55 AM
Hello, I have a user who is having issues with logging into Acrobat Pro DC. We have spent quite some time with this yesterday. She is assigned as a user in the Adobe Portal and we know that she is in there correctly since she can choose the organization when logging into her account online. The choice to select the Organization comes up there. But the choice never comes up when logging into the application. It immediately goes to the personal account despite putting in the same email address and password. Things tried: 1. Removing her from the Adobe Portal and adding her back into it. 2. Changing her password within her online account and using that new password within the application 3. Deleting all of her AppDate files associated with Adobe 4. Uninstalling and Reinstalling Acrobat Pro DC 5. Trying on a different computer 6. Trying to connect via Google account. (the choice comes up and we choose the organization but it still goes to her personal account) 7. Disable Select my profile automatically 8. Attempting to delete the personal account (not possible but ended up removing the Organization which then needed her added back in the portal) I am at a complete loss. We have routinely seen this issue happen about half the time where it goes to the "Free Trial" that requires a payment method. This is not appropriate for our business since there are licenses associated with the email address in the Adboe Portal. Removing the user from the Adobe Portal and readding them has always fixed the issue. But it did not for this user with removing and readding her twice did not fix the issue. And we have verified that she has the Organization associated with her email address when logging into the account on the web. This is on a brand new computer and a brand new user. I am the only other person who has logged into the computer and that was only for installing software and updates. What complicates things more is that someone else manages the portal and I am not the person who should be doing this since I have not the knowledge of who needs the software or not. It usually takes between 30 minutes and a full week to get a user removed and readded to the portal depenging on the availability of this person. And the users do not have the ability to use the free trial. And it is not easy to try to get Acrobat Pro to act like Acrobat Reader. There is no option to choose for that. It only happens with a bunch of finagling until we get to that point and am not sure what the process really is. And every time we run into this situation I spend way too much time and energy on this issue or similar one with the accounts that I need to support other users, which should not be the case. Right now I am not going to worry about the removal and readding to the Adobe Portal, I just need to know what I can do to get this account to see the Organization when logging into the application. This is critical with new users since they have to sign off on reading documentation that is pertinent to her employment with the business. Thank you for any quick respose to this issue. John
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‎Nov 17, 2023
08:00 AM
Hi Amal, As the time is quickly approaching for our HR team to scan a new PDF document starting in January that contains all W2 forms, they have started testing the scanning of the document to see if there are any more issues. Each of the users have been upgraded to Windows 11 and with all cumulative patches and updates through October 2023. One of the other users is now having the same issues with scanning the document. As I get further information from these end users, I will provide more feedback to you. The biggest concern is when they do get the new PDF file that this issue persists with the new file. Since cleaning out the users' profile and having a successful one time scan on the document, I am guessing that each of these users will experience the same issue from the get go. I will clear out the profile and start afresh; but are there any sugggestions that you have when we get to this new PDF? They will get hit hard with calls for W2s that are not received and they can ill afford to not be able to have successful scanning of the PDF. Thank you, John
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‎May 23, 2023
07:17 AM
Hi Amal. Currently my users who are having issues are filling new positions and are now heavily involved in the hiring processes that are taking up the vast majority of their time. The hiring process does take a long time within the State and will minimally put us into mid-June if not into July, the start of our Fiscal Year. I noticed that you are requesting that I run the same logs as you had me run previously. Were these earlier logs not helpful or were you not able to get to them? Can we put this on hold until my users are again available? Are there any other steps in which I can do to get this moving along? I am going on vacation starting on Thursday and will be back on Monday June 5. Thank you, *John MartheSenior
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‎May 18, 2023
06:11 AM
Hi Amal. I would like to do that, but unfortunately I am not allowed to share this document. The nature of the pdf will not allow me to make it available. 75% of the information is PII and other highly sensitive data. They had tried to recreate the document and that did not help the two users. The other two users have no issues with searching the pdf. It is also very critical that they can search these documents at a specific time of year. It is time sensitive to be able to find what they need and there is a high demand for searching these pdfs that are created. I am not sure why there would be an issue with half of the users and not the others. All 4 computers were imaged at the same time and exactly the same way. All had the exact same software installed through the same processes. And we did a reimage to clean up one computer with issues and immediately it had the same issue, even after we had the latest updates for Acrobat already installed. The nature of the pdf would not even allow me to hold a copy of it in my possession, it would be breaking State and Federal laws. And the tests were done with the pdf on the network as well as locally on the user's computer. Thank you, *John MartheSenior I**T Deskside Technical Analyst*
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‎May 16, 2023
01:26 PM
Hi Amal, We tried this on the computer. The computer has version 2023..01.20174. Still just as slow. Thank you, *John MartheSenior I**T Deskside Technical Analyst* [P.I Removed by Moderator]
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‎May 04, 2023
07:43 AM
Hi Amal, I have already tested it with my own admin account on the computer. It went fast the first time and then every time after that it went very slow. This was the same when I blew away the Acrobat profile under Appdata for the users. The first time it went fast and then every time after that it was slow. I cannot confirm with other PDFs since I do not have any remotely close to the number of pages, but it seems to be fine on other PDFs that are larger in size. I have checked that they both are up to date with Windows Updates and have tried this after the February, March, and April Cumulative Updates for Windows 10 21H2. There are two other computers in which I have verified settings, Windows versions and updates, and Adobe version with updates. They are all the same. There is no issue with either of these two other computers running the search on the exact same document. The search feature always runs fast on the exact same document located in the same place. So there is nothing of note that I can identify. One of the two problem computers has actually been reimaged when the issue was discovered and it still has the search issues. Thank you, John MartheSenior
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‎Apr 26, 2023
02:34 PM
Here is the link to the log files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vbwtt55a8kejult/Acrobat%20Logs.zip?dl=0
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‎Apr 26, 2023
02:19 PM
Hi Amal, I am trying to share the log files but am having issues with both Google Drive sharing and with uploading some of the files to Dropbox. Can you provide a suggestion for a cloud source to use? Thank you, *John MartheSenior
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‎Apr 26, 2023
09:49 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, Thanks for any guidance on this issue. We have four computers that search within a specific PDF. There are issues with two of these computers doing the search within this PDF. All four computers are exactly the same. They all have Windows 10 21H2 and are all have the latest Windows Updates. All four have Acrobat Pro DC 64 Bit and I have verified that all 4 have 23.001.20143. The PDF has 5934 pages but is only 7.37 MB in size. The PDF has OCR recognition. All 4 computers are Windows 10 21H2 and are using Acrobat DC 64 Bit. What I have tried; 1. Updating to the latest updates of Acrobat Pro DC. 2. Uninstalling and reinstalling Acrobat Pro DC (with a running the cleaner and a reboot in between) 3. Making sure that we were using Fast Find and Purge Cache Contents 4. Turned off Cloud Based Search 5. Logging into system with account that has not been on the computer previously. After one fast search of the document, all consecutive searches run slow of the search of the exact same file. 6. Deleting the Adobe profile folders for Acrobat Pro DC - this allows one very quick search of the file and then it runs slow when searching the file again 7. Embedded Index the document. This stalls out at 14%. 8. Reimaging one of the laptops I am at a loss to what is causing this issue. The two that have no issues are set with the same default settings as the other two systems. Thanks, John
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‎Apr 05, 2023
08:18 AM
Hello, Thanks for any guidance on this issue. I have two of four computers that we have search issues within a PDF,. The PDF has 5934 pages but is only 7.37 MB in size. The PDF has OCR recognition. All 4 computers are Windows 10 21H2 and are using Acrobat DC 64 Bit. What I have tried; 1. Updating to the latest updates of Acrobat Pro DC. 2. Uninstalling and reinstalling Acrobat Pro DC (with a running the cleaner and a reboot in between) 3. Making sure that we were using Fast Find and Purge Cache Contents 4. Turned off Cloud Based Search 5. Logging into system with account that has not been on the computer previously. After one fast search of the document, all consecutive searches run slow of the search of the exact same file. 6. Deleting the Adobe profile folders for Acrobat Pro DC - this allows one very quick search of the file and then it runs slow when searching the file again 7. Embedded Index the document. This stalls out at 14%. 8. Reimaging one of the laptops I am attaching the Process logs. I thought that a reply to an email from an earlier Post would put that into the Post. So I had renamed the extension for the one result that needs the extension changed back. I am at a loss to what is causing this issue. The two that have no issues are set with the same default settings as the other two systems. Thanks, John
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‎Mar 28, 2023
09:53 AM
Hello, One thing that I have noticed is that if I delete the profile folder for the user, it will search fast once and then every time after that it searches the same pdf very slow. I tried this with a brand new profile on the computer and run into the same issue. The first time we run a search it runs normal speed and then every search beyond this one search goes slow.
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‎Mar 22, 2023
01:26 PM
Hello Meenaski, I did an uninstall and reinstall. In between I removed the Acrobat folders from Local, Local Low, and Roaming. I tried with my account on the computer. It ran fine. We switched to the user's account and it ran fine. After that, we tried running it on the original file and the search bogged down. I went back to the local file and it was now bogged down. I switched to my account with running it local and the search was bogged down on my account on this second attempt. The software does not get the unresponsive message. The size of the PDF is 7.37 MB. It has 5934 pages. I looked in the task manager and there was nothing out of the ordinary of the resources being used. Attached is a picture of the task manager and Resource Monitor when this is happening along with the information you requested. OS is Windows 10 21H2 I have renamed the extension of the LeicensingLog so you will need to change that back, I had thought that I could reply to the email to get this into this forum. But I see that I was wrong. Any help trying to determine why this is happening would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so kindly, John
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‎Mar 08, 2023
06:56 AM
Hello, I have a user who is using the search engine to look for items in a PDF file. This file contains a large amount of pages but the size of the pdf file is not too very large considering the amount of pages. Since moving from Acrobat 2017 to Acrobat DC the search function on this one and only many paged document has been extemely slow. Since each page does not contain much data on it, it still runs very slow to get through the pages. We are seeing a rate of about 3 pages every two to three seconds with Acrobat Pro DC. It would do about 20 to 25 pages prior to that with Acrobat 2017. Eventually it would hit around 500 pages and then it would stall. I have updated to the very latest 2023.001.20064. I have ran a repair. I checked the resources being used and we are at 33% memory total and about 14% of the CPU usage total. Enabled Fast find was already turned on (turned it off and restarted Acrobat and then turned it back on and restarted Acrobat) and Purged Cache Size. Moved the file locally and tried it from there and it did not help. Showing inline storage when opening files is turned off and I turned off the Utilize Cloud Search Engine when searching. Eventually I upped the Maximum number of documents returned in results to be over 500 since there over 500 pages. This seemed to allow it to go over 500 pages. I renamed the Acrobat DC folders under both the Local and the Roaming files in order to reset the settings and to get a clean DC profile created. This started to allow the search to happen about 10 documents in about 2 to 3 seconds, but that lasted only through 80 pages and it slowed down again. I did the same thing and rebooted and now Acrobat Pro took longer to open and the search engine took longer to open also. Setting the settings back did not fix this new delema. I have 2 other users with DC set up exactly the same without this issue. One of them it had worked with no issues, the second one my coworker had reimaged the laptop. We verified it was not a profile issue since tried the local copy with my account in which I have never been logged into this computer myself previously. I do not want to reimage this user's laptop since he would have to travel almost 2 hours in one direction to get into the office and that it is very intrusive with the downtime that he currently cannot afford. I also have tried to index to the file. It looked like it was going to work but it stalled at 20% done. It took one minute to get to that point and we let it sit for about 20 minutes after that and it never proceded beyond the 20%. Cancelled out of that and it took at least 20 minutes to back out of it. I am at a loss. I know that it is not the file since the other two users do not have problems with the exact same file over a slower VPN connection than this user. This is time sensitive since it has to do with people's W2 forms and and there three users have other things to deal with with tax deadlines. Any recommendations would help. Thank you, John
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‎Nov 18, 2022
08:02 AM
So there is no way to install Creative Cloud Desktop App unless you do it manually or you have to use the Creative Cloud Packager?
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‎Nov 18, 2022
07:47 AM
1 Upvote
The desktop installer will not allow me to just install the software through SCCM. It needs to be a silent install in which there is no user interaction. Using the silent flag no longer works with this install. We are deploying the app to a huge amount of people and we do not want to have to manually install it every time a user needs the desktop app installed. They install their own Apps after the desktop App is installed and they log into it.
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‎Nov 18, 2022
07:32 AM
I need to install the Creative Cloud Desktop App from SCCM. This is the only thing I need to install, I do not need to package Apps to install when the installation happend. And I do not have access to the teams site. I am not the administrator of the software, so telling me to use the packager will not work since I cannot get the Packager. And since I am only trying to install the Desktop App, why would I have to go through the trouble of using the Creative Cloud Packager. This makes no sense. It was only two or three years ago that what I am trying to do was possible. So I am not sure what I was doing then is not working now. Can someone point me in the direction to do this? I can only find information that is telling me to use the Packager only online.
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