Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Aug 19, 2024
06:40 AM
The print to file check box was under the Advanced button from the print dialog.
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‎Jun 09, 2022
02:32 PM
We are still looking for another solution. The only thing Adobe offered was a link to complete a "Wish Form" that I am sure goes directly into the BitBucket. I still cannot believe Adobe cares so little about the needs of their customers. Good Luck with your search. Please let me know if you find a product that works.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
09:53 AM
The steps suggested will allow someone to draw something as a comment on the document, but I don't think you understand what I am trying to accomplish. I need a signature field that will default to a drawn signature without requiring the person drawing the signature to go through the process of setting up a digital signature. Then after the document is signed a copy of it should be saved in read only format. I do not think I can be any clearer about what I am looking for. I believe this is a feature that Adobe lacks that should be addressed. I feel like Adobe is short sighted by not providing this as an option to the signature field. Adobe executives have a very narrow view of what is truely needed by their customers in real world situations. I will figure out a way to achieve what I need for this environment with or without Adobe Acrobat.
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‎Apr 01, 2022
06:29 AM
Attached is one of the 12 forms I am trying to add the same type of field. This form is an application for water service. Here is the workflow I would like to accomplish at our city utility department: 1. A person wanting water at their home or business walks in to the customer service lobby. 2. That person sits down at a desk with the first available customer service rep. to fill out the required forms. 3. The completed forms need to be signed by that person sitting at the desk in customer service. Currently the completed form is printed and the person is handed an ink pen and they sign on the signature line. Then that signed form is scanned by the customer service rep using a scanner attached to the PC so that the SIGNED form can be stored in the utility customer's records. 4. After the form has been scanned and stored a workorder is created for a Meter Tech to drive to the property and they turn on the water. What I would like to happen in step 3 is for the form NOT printed and then scanned but the image of the form is displayed on the touch screen facing the customer and when the signature field is touched, clicked, or navigated to, a box is displayed on the touch screen allowing the applicant to DRAW their signature. Then that signature is stored on the document. The document is then stored in the utility customer's file without printing and scanning anything.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
10:47 AM
No, this is NOT what I am looking for. It seems no one understands what I am trying to accomplish. The forms I create will be a computer in customer service. The forms will be filled out by our customer service representative. What the customer will need to do is sign by drawing their signature in a box on the touchscreen in front of them. I am not emailing the document, I am not requesting a signature to be returned once completed. I will need the customer signature immediately while they are at the customer service desk. All I would like to be able to do is create a fillable form that has a field predefined as a DRAWN signature field. I do not want the customer to go thru setting up of a digital signature since this is the only time they will be using this computer to sign anything and also there will be many other customers using this same computer to sign their documents. Adobe, please, give me an option to add a signature field that defaults to drawn signature! I know I am not the only person wanting this option.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
01:09 PM
This is NOT an answer! I have this very same question and it seems impossible to get a straight answer. I need a signature box that allows the customer to draw their signature while they are in the customer service lobby. I do not want them to create a digital signature since this is a public terminal. I do not want to email the document to them requesting a signature because I want the document signed immediately while they are in the lobby. Why is this so hard to understand?!
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‎Mar 21, 2022
12:47 PM
I am looking for the same thing. Did you ever find a solution? The forms I am creating in Acrobat DC Pro are NOT being sent to someone to sign! The will be used at a customer service desk and need to allow customers to draw their signature while they are sitting at the desk. I don't want them to set up a digital signature and I do not have their email address to request their signature. Why is this so hard to understand and accomplish?
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