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New Here
‎Dec 12, 2018
01:14 PM
Yes, that's the cause! The line disappears when I select Dark Grey. I also looked at a bunch of other PDFs from a variety of sources, and the same thing happens there. It's definitely one of those weird psycho/perceptual phenomena. I never noticed it before in PDFs I was reading, but now that I'm sensitized to it, my eye is drawn to it every time. It does seem a very odd feature. Can't imagine that not having a white line in Light Gray mode would negatively affect anything. Thanks so much for your help!
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‎Dec 12, 2018
09:06 AM
That's so bizarre! I've attached a link to a screenshot of how it looks on my monitors (laptop and attached monitor). I also had a couple colleagues view it, and it looks the same on their screens as it does on mine: a thin white line visible around the blue. We're all using Windows 10. Haven't been able to test it with anyone yet who has a Mac. I don't have the Show art, trim etc. option selected. I toggled it a few times and checked each time to see if it would affect anything, but no change. [Mod: File attached for convenience of others following this thread!]
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‎Dec 11, 2018
02:16 PM
Thanks for the response! Here's a link to a simple Word doc and the corresponding pdf that shows the issue: Adobe forum - Google Drive On the first page of the Word doc, the graphic goes right to the edges. On the second page, the graphic overlaps a bit the long edge. However, the pdf of each looks the same. Stephen
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‎Dec 11, 2018
10:52 AM
Hi, I have a Word doc with some graphics that go all the way to the side, top, and bottom edges. When I convert it to a pdf, a thin white border is introduced around every page. This occurs whether I convert the doc using the print dialog, the "Create PDF" command in the ribbon, or Save As. I've also reproduced this in a simple test doc of one page and one graphic. The border isn't a screen artifact. It appears no matter the magnification. Any ideas as to what's causing this? I'm using Word 2016 on Windows 10 and Acrobrat Pro DC 2019.008.20081 Thanks.
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