New Here
New Here
‎Mar 24, 2022
10:38 AM
Wow, a decade later with no fix for this. I've been using "Save for Web" to export assets for about seven years now, dozens of times per day. The last file location is never needed based on my folder structure, leaving me to search for the correct folder every time. Seems like an easy fix that has been ignored for too long. Thanks for the constant disappointment Adobe. I'll figure out the math and send you an invoice for all the unnecessary time I spent saving files.
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‎Jan 18, 2022
08:33 AM
I've been having the same issues for the past few months. About 70% of images downloaded from IMDB have this distorted issue when dropping into PS. I found a workaround until an update hopefully fixes the problem. I downloaded "Image Resizer for Windows" to batch resize the images. I'm sure similar software can be found for Mac.I simply batch adjust the width of the images (1000 px in my case), they process in a few seconds. I then drop those into PS and the lines and discoloring is gone. This is a faster process then opening each image through Camera RAW, though that worked for me as well. Just to note, I've only had this issue with images from IMDB.
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