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New Here
‎Jun 07, 2023
04:41 AM
the 24.6 beta is not awailible for me no matter what I do. Only 24.5.
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‎May 25, 2023
07:28 AM
I can only find version 24.5 I have tried with all sorts of trick. Nothing works! Anyone solved this?
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‎Jun 24, 2020
06:23 AM
Hi I have a problem that I think can be solved with Captivate. At first, I just need to know if this is possible or not. If so, i might need help to do it. 😃 I want to be ablo to scroll through pictures with a slider. Just like in a movie clip where you can pause and slide in the timeline back and forth. I would also, if possible be able to hide or show different layers of slideshow. Lets say i have 100 frames (pictures) of a house construction building. 1 frame represent 1 day. I also have 100 frames from the same house just showing water pipline etc. Another 100 with electrical wire etc. I then want to be able to hide or reveal each of those layer whenever in the timeline. So that I can see how far the work with the ex the piping is done at day 63.... etc... Is this possible in Captivate or shall I search for another tool? I googled and found some kind of "slider components widget" that could bind to variables. Maybe this is one part of the solution? Many thanks.
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