‎Sep 07, 2022
07:38 AM
Good idea! I can always compensate with it, but I think that it is a cheap patch for the problem because I would only need it for the Sampler viewport and I would always have to deactivate it for the final textures export. It would also add more steps when working and increase the posibilities of making mistakes.
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‎Aug 31, 2022
01:48 AM
Unfortunately I cannot share the files due to confidentiality, but you can recreate the same problem with materials on the Sampler Base Library. Here is a comparsion image of the same Slate Material with different tiling values:
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‎Aug 30, 2022
03:03 AM
Hello there! There is a small issue when tiling a material inside the 3D Viewport of Sampler. When setting the tiling higher, the normal intensity increases aswell. Here you have a picture comparing the same texture area with a different tiling setting. This becomes a problem when trying to checkout the material for tiling issues, the material becomes very noisy and not representative of the information of the texture. Thanks for the help and a great software!
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‎Mar 03, 2022
02:00 AM
1 Upvote
Hello there! For some months now I have implemented a pipeline using sampler and so far the experience has been very cool, but there is a small problem that is bugging the team. I created a set of exporters for our inhouse engine but every time that I restart Sampler, it seems like the reference to this exporters is lost and it exports the wrong textures (btw we dont move the location of the files or anything like that). The only work around that we have found is to reimport/replace the exporters every time that we lunch Sampler, but it would be nice to get rid of this extra step. Thanks for your time!
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‎Nov 12, 2021
01:04 AM
Hi, I am working on the version 3.1.0 Xocoatl (the last one released up to this date) . Thanks for the help!
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‎Nov 10, 2021
01:43 AM
Hello again, After further inspection, we think that the problem comes from the SVN system. When updating the files with the SVN, they are set up in "Read only" mode and if we duplicate a file that is shared through SVN, this configuration is also transferred to the new file. We usually make sure to disable the option by hand, but it is very possible that we forget to in some occasions, and for this reason maybe it could be interesting to have a warning message when saving within Substance Sampler. We are still making some tests to confirm that this is the cause of this error, but what do you think? Best, Francesc Loyo
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‎Nov 02, 2021
03:40 AM
Thanks for the tip! I encountered a similar issue and I created a discussion that might be useful/complemntary to this post. You can find it HERE
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‎Nov 02, 2021
03:34 AM
Hello there! I am having some problems with the Gravel Filter when using a custom mask. The areas where I paint affect the Roughness, Height and AO, giving a full black render. Here you have an example: Here we can see that it has crushed the height information with a black color (the same happens in the ambient AO and Roughness). For the rest of channels seems that there is no modification (The image avobe gives the example of the Base Color map). Best regards, Francesc Loyo
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‎Nov 02, 2021
03:18 AM
Hello there! In our company we have been implementing a pipeline with Substance 3D Sampler as the core for the creation of materials and for some weeks now we have been spontanously losing work. Here you have a following of the events that usually cause this problem: We create a material that works as a base for a terrain/road/whatever. We copy and rename the material to create a new version to have varition. We do the modificatins to gain the variation (different random seeds, twicking of the parameters, etc) and we save the document .ssa. When reopening the document, the work on the new variations disapears, with the layers no longer in the document and everything ereased (except the render previsualization in the project tab). This has happened a handfull of times now and we are starting to grow some concern on the work time lost due to this issue. For now we will be saving multiple version but we hope that this problem is resolved in the future, since Sampler is a great tool that is helping us a lot to improve the development. Best regards, Francesc Loyo
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‎Oct 25, 2021
05:40 AM
1 Upvote
Alright! I guess that there isn't a node that makes the same effect, isn't it? In any case I found another way that might work as an alternative. You can have a uniform desaturation effect blending the original texture with the a 100% desaturated version of the same. With the blend opacity slider you can control the amount of desaturation to the desired level. Here you have it in action: Thanks for the quick answer! Best regards 🙂
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‎Oct 25, 2021
03:18 AM
Hello there! I was working with one of the megascan textures (JPG format) that i wanted to edit to desaturate it and I found this weird effect: The desaturation was being applied by zones, just like if there was a mask. Here you have a gif with the example within Designer: Here you have the same image being edited in Photoshop: Is there any reason why this is happening? How can I get a more general/uniform desaturation effect in Designer? Thanks for the help! 🙂
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‎Sep 29, 2021
03:07 AM
Hello there! I havent been able to find the option to add a custom mesh in the 3D view (just like in substance designer). Here is my example: I am working a road material generator and I would like to import a mesh to test the perspective, tiling and the curve deformation. Now that his great software is starting to get updated and improved, has this feature been implemented? if not, are there any plans to do so?
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‎Jul 02, 2021
01:01 AM
That was precisely the problem. Thank you very much for the help!
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‎Jul 01, 2021
08:47 AM
Here you have the screens of all the required parameters: material input parameter: Here you have all my input nodes: And as an example here you have how their info is filled: There you go 🙂 Thank you very much!
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‎Jul 01, 2021
03:04 AM
Hello there! I am creating a custom filter to make decals and I have been trying to add a material Input but it does not seem to work. I have followed every requirements in the documentation but the material slot still does not appear... Is there anything missing? These are the requirements I was talking about: Thank you for taking the time 🙂
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