Hi, I am a very novice user. I would appreciate any help. I am trying to edit an old book for printing via Lulu.com. (It's a work I am looking at as part of my PhD study.) I have successfully learned to scale pages using pre-flight mode, and I can move around content using the Set Page Boxes menu with x and y off set. So it all looks good to print. But, when I upload my PDF to Lulu, I am told that my pages are different sizes! I am wondering whether there is something to do with layers that aren't compressed. Here is a link to the file concerned: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wkz8r3e0n0q3fd4/1647%20Christ%20Dying%20Torrance%20print%20final%20X.pdf?dl=0 If anyone is able to advise I would be very grateful! Thanks, Sam
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