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‎Mar 09, 2023
01:17 PM
"but I do completely understand why it is important to Z9 customers and it is on our radar. " That is very appreciated. Thanks Fergus.
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‎Mar 09, 2023
12:49 PM
1 Upvote
Maybe a bit? But Adobe/Premiere is a service I(we) pay for. It's not something we owe any kind of allegience to. We don't have to shoot in raw, you are correct, but given the option why not do so? The only limiting factors are storage space (getting cheaper every day) and whether the software we use supports it. I'm sure there are people that shoot JPEG only with their Z9s, but that doesn't mean LR shouldn't support NEF files. My workflow for stills has started adding in other software that has features LR has weaknesses in (noise removal anyone?). If other options for video editing exist that provide features not found with Premiere, features that as of yet have no signs of being implemented, but also include its own full suite of very high quality editing software why not move on?
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‎Mar 08, 2023
12:50 PM
Just picked up a Z9. If I have to learn another software just to convert the video for use in Premiere, I'll just use the other software instead.
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