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‎Nov 03, 2022
01:45 PM
ls_rbls: Sorry, unable to complete the action you suggested. When I go to your 2nd link, I see this page where I took the screenshot hovered over the DL link to display it in the lower left But apparently that's a broken link becuase clicking it brings me to a 404 error
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‎Nov 01, 2022
08:41 PM
ls_rbls Thank you for your reply. I found the Adobe Acrobat DC 21.011.20039 at https://www.updatestar.com/en/directdownload/adobe-acrobat-dc/2336709 The install attempt was something like 9 months ago. If you know a way to download my chrome history, I could search through it to find the link you asked for. Otherwise it will take me about 30 min of holding down the scroll arrow to get back to February's browser history.
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‎Oct 30, 2022
08:11 PM
Thank you for your help. 1) I did not try to uinistall it manually. As I recall, it was back in Feb 2022, I was trying to install something (I think from Adobe) that was free and would let me type into pdf's with edit boxes. When I ran the install, it destroyed my installation and left me with no way to view PDFs 2) True that I have no MSI to provide the uninstall software with what it needs. 3) I don't understand, "to sign out from the current user account that you're using (even if it is an Adminstrator account) and sign back in as Administrator but using the built in Windows Administrator account". Is this something I have to do on order to run the setup in 4) below? 4) I found the DL for the Acrobat Reader version 21.011.20039. When I ran it (readerdc_en_ka_install.exe) here's what I got Any ideas on what to try next?
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‎Oct 30, 2022
09:49 AM
I had version 21.011.20039 installed on 1/12/2022 - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Now I have one Adobe folder in my "c:\Progrtam Files (x86)" folder with 2 exe's, RdrCEF.exe and RdrServicesUpdater.exe, both of which appear to be installer software, not PDF readers. When I rtry to uninstall from the control panel, it says the "feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailabnle". I have no idea what network resource that could possibly be. It's looking for an .MSI that just doesn't exist. When I ran the Adobe Acrobat DC Cleaner Tool (AdobeAcroCleaner_DC2021.exe), it said it "could not find Adobe Acrobat installed on the machine". When I try to run the Microsoft Installation fixer (MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab) it syas "Troubleshooting could not identify the problem". Nevertheless, when I search the registry for "Adobe", it's loaded with mentions. Shouild I try writing a bot that edits the registry to replace all mentions of "Adobe" with Adobe_caca" ? Please help!! I would love to be able to install a working Acrobat Reader. Thank you!
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‎Oct 20, 2022
09:04 AM
Also, when I ran the Adobe Acrobat DC Clweaner Tool, I said it couldn't find Adobe Acrobat.
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‎Oct 19, 2022
08:18 PM
That should have been Adobe Acrobat Reader DC -- without the Q
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‎Oct 19, 2022
06:57 PM
I have version 21.011.20039 installed on 1/12/2022 - Adobe QAcrobat Reader DC. Please help!! Thank you!
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