We current use Acrobat Reader DC (continuous) 22.002.20212, but it needs updating. Someone has setup updates via a deployment package in SCCM which gets thrid-party update from catalogs in https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/SCUP/ReaderCatalog-DC.cab But it is not picking up any newer DC updates. Referenced this cab file and it does not list any newer files for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, it only lists newer non-DC Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 22.002.20212 then Adobe Acrobat Reader 22.003.20258 Adobe Acrobat Reader 22.003.20263 Which is probably why it is not picking up any newer updates. Searched through downloads and there seems to be an update Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 22.003.20258 version from "https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotesDC/continuous/dccontinuousoct2022.html#dccontinuousocttwentytwentytwo" file name is AcroRdrDCUpd2200320258.msp which sounds promising, but after installing on a machine in help 'About' the installed app now shows as 'Adobe Acrobat Reader 22.003.20258 and no longer DC. Is there a new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC as I am unable to find it?
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