New Here
New Here
‎Feb 28, 2023
03:20 PM
Hello Akanchha, thanks for getting back, unfortunately I had no success with the Cleaner and the new instalation. I visited the Microsoft page you suggested (I'm not sure I can understand the meaning of the process). Anyway, it seems I canìt go further with that, maybe because I'm on Windows 11. This is what I see after typing the command, it says "impossible to use the snap-in with this edition of Win10" (as I said it's 11) Thanks again for any further instruction, Davide
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‎Feb 23, 2023
03:08 AM
New installation and no success. Now I can't even reach the "help" button to install updates, it crashes after 1 sec.
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‎Feb 22, 2023
10:58 AM
I also did what this page says, no success: https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/how-to-reset-acrobat-preference-settings-to-default/td-p/4792082
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‎Feb 22, 2023
10:48 AM
Hello, I've gone through several topics about Acrobat crashing, but I really can't understand them. If I launch the app via Creative Cloud or clicking the Acrobat icon from desktop this is what I see for 3 secs (then it goes away) If I open a pdf this is what I see (after a longer wait then usual) So just the pdf, no tools on right side nor on the top of the window. Sometimes I can navigate the pdf. Other times it just can't open the pdf, so I have a black page. If I select "home" I can't see other documents (black page) If I select "tools" I can't even see the icons and the names of the tools. What I did already: Uninstall Acrobat Clicking very fast on "help" when I launch the app and then "updates" (it dowloaded an update, I rebooted the PC, then nothing, the same crashing) Repair the app from Windows toolbar list of the apps I really need the help of an expert, many thanks, Davide
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