Jamie Rae287952160rs4
New Here
Jamie Rae287952160rs4
New Here
‎Mar 14, 2023
02:56 PM
I am replying to my own post above so others can see this update. This has nothing to do with Adobe. I completely uninstalled it and my computer STILL hangs up when savings pdf's when not using Adobe. It hangs up for 30 seconds when just trying to save a notepad ducument! Must be a glitch with my Dell or my Windows. Will reset computer to factory and start over.
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‎Mar 14, 2023
12:04 PM
Hello Akanchha, I am also having this problem, maybe more information will help. It started in the last few days. I did everything you said and it is now much worse then before. I can not open ANY pdf files right now. I get an instant internal error when I just try to open a pdf. I need PDF files every day for my job, so I am desparately trying to fix this. Before I could at least open pdf and send to clients. It would take 10-20 seconds to save everytime, but it worked. Also at that time (before reinstall) all tools were missing such as combine files, protect, (screen shot attached). But now everything is gone no matter what I do. I'm on Windows 11 with all recent updates. Dell Inspiron 7506, did all those updates as well. Only thing I haven't tried is to completely wipe my computer and start over. I don't want to do that, so I will wait for your reply.
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