New Here
New Here
‎Sep 14, 2023
02:44 PM
I am having the same issue, and Pitstop's trap editor and trap viewer are no longer showing me the traps unless I move Acrobat from my main monitor to one of the side monitors I use. If I move the trap editor tool to a different monitor, it will show the traps, but they are offset on the page, and don't represent where the trap would be, effectively rendering them useless. This was not an issue prior to this new update, which, coincidentally, I didn't run. I checked but did not see that I have Acrobat set up to automatically update, so this just futher frustrates me. Everything (including our beloved page size) was working fine yesterday, and now everything appears to be broken unless I can discover a work-around. WHY?
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‎Sep 14, 2023
12:48 PM
I agree wholeheartedly! This was a setting I have been using for years, and I don't want to have to move the mouse to check something I used to be able to see just by opening the file. A quick look was all I needed; close the file and move on. Now I have to actually move the mouse over to get it to show up. And yes, why is the preference not only still there and turned on, but also now blocking it from allowing the hover (the only way to look at it) from working properly? This was a heavy-handed change to something that was working properly and was well-used, meaning it was an unnecessary change.
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