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‎Jun 08, 2023
11:21 PM
Hi! @Kevin-Monahan, this has happend twice alredy with two different microphones... In Preferences or Settings, is it set as your Audio Input? Yes, I set it as defaut as soon as I change the microphone. When does it work correctly? No. When I started using Rush I used wireless headphones. When the interference first appeared I thought it was the headphones and I bought the Blue Snowball microphone. I changed the preferences and I started using it without problem. But sudenly, it started to happend again... I've tried to change the project, restart the program, restart the computer ... and finally to uninstall and reinstall the program. This last is the only thing that has temporarily fixed the problem. Thank you, Marta
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‎Jun 07, 2023
05:13 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, I am having problems with the voiceover recording. At first it works ok but now It's recordered with interference. I've tested the microphone separately in other apllications and it works fine, so I guess it's a rush problem ... How can I fix it?
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