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Premiere CC 2018 Threadripper bad scrubbing performance

Explorer ,
Oct 20, 2017 Oct 20, 2017

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Just build my Threadripper system (1950x, 32GB, 1080 Ti) and what I notice is that the scrubbing performance is pretty slow compared to my Intel laptop (i7 4790K, 32GB, 970M). I'm using GH5 ALL-I 4K files. Files are on SSD raid on Threadripper system and single SSD on laptop. Playback is ok, but scrubbing timeline is really bad.  Both systems are just installed with Windows Fall Creators update. Is premiere just badly optimized?

[Moderator note: moved to most appropriate forum.]




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jan 04, 2019 Jan 04, 2019

Team Threadripper:

Please upvote this bug: Better Threadripper Support – Adobe video & audio apps

Hope we can get this solved for you all.



Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2018 Jan 15, 2018

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Are the previews at 100% on both computers? What is the screen resolution on both machines?




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Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2018 Jan 15, 2018

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I usually have the previews at about 50%. I started converting the music to .wav because I thought Premiere liked .wav now I've noticed with the new premier you can use MP3 as are many other music files. Also now that I started using folders I am not having this issue but if I have the large Project without folders why does Premiere freeze up.




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Jan 15, 2018 Jan 15, 2018

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Where are your media files?




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Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2018 Jan 15, 2018

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They are on my c drive in video folder? Where should they be?




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Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2018 Jan 15, 2018

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Buy folders I mean folders inside the premiere project if I have all my video files in music without organization in bins. Timeline will freeze up.




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Explorer ,
Jan 23, 2018 Jan 23, 2018

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Hey all,

I've learned some things in the last month since building a Threadripper 1950x system. Here is a list of things I have done to increasingly improve the performance of the Threadripper in AE and Premiere. Its not perfect yet but its getting faster the more I tweak certain things


DONT CONVERT A PROJECT FROM AN OLDER VERSION!!!! It causes major playback issues. Create a new project from scratch OR import your project into the new version of Premiere and copy the old composition into the new comp.


1) USE AN M2 drive for your cache!!!!!! I tried using a fast Intel SSD for my cache in After Effects (and Premiere) and noticed that the computer I use at work using an i7- 7700K was MUCH faster than my TR 1950X. Part of the reason is because it uses a Samsung NVMe drive for its cache. I changed my cache to run off my of seperate NVMe drive and the performance on a vector heavy project increased by almost 20% or so. **THE M2 DRIVE NEEDS TO BE SEPERATE FROM THE OS AND STORAGE DRIVE

2) UNINSTALL RYZEN MASTER!!! It messes with your CPU processes. Once it was removed Premiere and After Effects performance improved.

3) CLOSE OR UNINSTALL ASUS SONIC STUDIO. It messes with your CPU processes. Once it was removed Premiere and After Effects performance improved.


5) If you are working on a complex After Effects comp with vector elements TURN OFF 'SHOW LAYER CONTROLS'. This speeds things up significatly

6) USE AN M2 FOR YOUR OS AND APPLICATIONS!!!! The faster the M2 the better.

7) UNINSTALL ASUS AI SUITE or any overclocking utility. This processor is a different animal from INTEL, it doesn't work the same way

8) SET PROCESSOR AFFINITY TO 12 CORES FOR AFTER EFFECTS.....this should increase performance for now

Follow these steps and your Threadripper will start to perform like a dream. KEEP IN MIND, this processor is AHEAD OF ITS TIME and Adobe needs to catch up to these new massive multi-core processors. In time After Effects and Premiere will scale with hyperthreading and your system will CRUSH. AMD has started something interesting..dont throw in the towel. The best is yet to come


AMD Threadripper 1950X


CORSAIR VENGEANCE 3000 MHZ 64GB  - **make sure to set your RAM timings manually in BIOS
GTX 1080ti turbo 11GB

Samsung Pro M2 for OS and APPS

Samsung Pro M2 for CACHE
...the rest of the peripherals dont matter

I hope this helps. I'm still tweaking and I'll post any discoveries I find. Bless!




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Explorer ,
Feb 25, 2018 Feb 25, 2018

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I have been having these issues with a similar setup as well. Threadripper 1950x with gtx1080 card. After literally months of troubleshooting, buying new drives and components, re-installs, and trying every little tip and trick on the internet, Adobe support helped me narrow down the issue to the graphics card. There is a problem with gtx 10 series cards specifically on Threadripper platforms in Premiere (I have not seen this issue on intel platforms with the same video cards). 

To test this, open up Device Manager. Open up the Display adapters section, right click on your gtx10 series card and click update driver. Select "Browse my computer for driver software" then "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer." In the list of drivers that comes up you should have an option for "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter." Select it and hit next to switch to that driver. 

Your resolution will suffer, but once it is installed go back into Premiere and see if you have problems. For me, all problems are fixed.  

Upon realizing this I ran out to Best Buy and picked up the last video card they had on their shelf, an AMD Radeon RX 550 and threw it in my computer. Playback and scrubbing was still crappy until I actually disabled my gtx1080 entirely. Now I can reliably reproduce the issue my toggling my gtx1080 from disabled to enabled in device manager.  

If you all run the same test with the same result, please report the bug to NVIDIA here: NVIDIA Driver Feedback|NVIDIA

Hopefully they can get a fix out to us sooner than later.




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Explorer ,
Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018

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Yeah right!?!? This would explain A LOT of my problems in Premiere. Everybody on here has almost the exact same build...1950X, ROG Zenith Extreme and GTX 1080/1080ti on M2 SSD. Anyways, I'm over Premiere I think. Resolve has my heart right now. Sorry Adobe!




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New Here ,
May 01, 2018 May 01, 2018

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So I started having problems recently with Premiere Pro CC in the timeline scrubbing aspect.

I have a Threadripper 1920x and nvidia 1080ti, 64gb ram on Windows 10. Premiere is installed on an M.2 OS drive.

I also have a scratch disk, 512gb Samsung Evo Pro SSD.  This is where my previews and media cache go.

I edit a lot of XAVC-S footage natively and usually have no problems whatsoever.  Which is what I'm currently editing with in this situation.

I noticed importing a GoPro Cineform clip into my project from a Resolve Roundtrip, premiere would start to get crazy scrub lag.  You would think this codec would be buttery smooth as an intermediate codec.  I could not even zoom in on the timeline without having to press play and waiting for a few seconds before the change would occur. I would play my timeline, and would not be able to stop the timeline from playing. My Timeline would actually disappear on some occasions (just a grey panel).

I came to this thread, tried a few things such as toggling on/off the play audio during scrubbing (this did absolutely nothing).

I did a clean install of premiere. Nothing changed.

Tried playing at 1/4 resolution. Nothing.

I noticed someone said creating different folders for their audio media did the trick. Literally, all I did was create a new bin, drop the cineform clip in, and boom, smooth scrubbing and playback. IDK what the heck is going on with threadripper and premiere, but this is getting ridiculous.  Hopefully this temp fix works on other projects and this is not just some fluke. Keep this in mind.

Love/ Hate relationship with Premiere.  Almost about to completely switch to Resolve especially since the Resolve 15 announcement.




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Explorer ,
May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

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My specs are 1950x with 1080ti boot drive is M.2 nvme 960 Pro 32GB of RAM Trident Z 3000mhz I still have problems with Premiere crashing all the time. I use the ryzen power plan for Windows. I use the boot drive to run premiere and I run my scratch disk off a regular SSD WD blue. I found that making separate bins for all my media music and timeline has stop Premiere from freezing up. I am still having quite a few issues with type sinking and Premiere freezing up. I am amazed that you can buy such a Enthusiast CPU and have such issues with a program. Are there any settings I can change or am I doing something wrong.




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May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

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Well I have no Threadripper myself but have received PPBM test results from a number of people that seem to have found ways to run Premiere very successfully with a 1950X and a GTX 1080 Ti.  Here are the scores of a really great configured and tuned computer.

"48","43","13","140", Premiere Version:,, 1950X, GTX1080 Ti, 11/29/2017

You might download the Premiere Pro BenchMark, unzip it, run it and the submit,the two files and see if we can help you out




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May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

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By the way where are your project files and media?




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 23, 2018 Jun 23, 2018

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why premiere is so bad??

is not possibile that i create a monster pc configuration (1950x 16 core...64 gb) and all of us have problem with the playback that result jerk and chobby...

Adobe wake up!!!




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Explorer ,
Aug 09, 2018 Aug 09, 2018

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Here are my results from the Benchmark "86","44","13","135", Premiere Version:,

My specs are :

AMD Threadripper 1950x

GTX 1080 TI

64gb RAM

1 M.2 SSD for System

1 SSD for Media

While working with footage (1080p) from the A7s I have dropped frames during playback with straight out of the camera footage (no effects) My timeline was made from the same settings as the source footage.

Can someone tell me whats going on?




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Participant ,
Aug 11, 2018 Aug 11, 2018

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It seems everyone with a similar build to yours, including myself, that Premiere, Threadripper, and GTX 1080ti don't play well together. Even the source monitor has trouble playing files. I don't have a solution for the dropped frames, just a work around. The only way I can work with my set-up it to transcode all my vision to either Cineform or Pro-Res, then the dropped frames issue becomes minimal. I shoot in XAVC .mxf, in both inter-frame 50mbps and intra-frame 100mbps, it is painful for playback straight out of the camera. It is not a computer issue as Davinci Resolve will ANYTHING, smooth as butter. Mark




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Explorer ,
Aug 12, 2018 Aug 12, 2018

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I don't believe the benchmarks from PPBM reflect this issue. It's better to look at your dropped frames. Compare your system having problems to your system with the NVIDIA graphics driver disabled and you will see a world of difference. 

That said, I've updated to the latest AMD chipset drivers and latest NVIDIA drivers and my performance seems to have vastly improved. Everyone makes sure your system is fully up to date, especially on those two drivers, and check back. If you use some kind of tool from your mobo manufacturer or windows update you may not be getting the latest, so check AMD's and NVIDIA's website and see if there is a newer driver. 

To be clear, I don't think the situation is fully resolved, but if this is indeed an improvement and not just a random run of good behavior then it's much more usable now. 

I'm also curious - are you all who are having issues using four ram sticks? The CPU supports quad channel, which has a bandwidth advantage, but "downgrading" to dual channel actually has a latency advantage. I haven't tested that configuration to see if there is an improvement, but in theory it could make a difference if anyone cares to test.




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Explorer ,
Aug 12, 2018 Aug 12, 2018

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There is also a feedback item here with more votes that you might want to vote up as well as the one posted above: Optimize for high core count systems – Adobe video & audio apps




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Explorer ,
Aug 13, 2018 Aug 13, 2018

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I pulled out the GTX 1080 and put in an old ATI HD 5800 series and have better playback performance. I guess thats what ill use until there is a solution that will allow me to use the GTX 1080.




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Explorer ,
Aug 10, 2018 Aug 10, 2018

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I submitted a bug/feature for this here : Better Threadripper Support – Adobe video & audio apps 

Throw some votes on it if you want!




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Participant ,
Aug 15, 2018 Aug 15, 2018

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Yesterday I did a live support chat with Adobe regarding the dropped frame issue. I work with .mxf HD files, both inter-frame and intra-frame. The Long GOP is where Premiere is having troubles. After the usual trouble shooting, he advised that I transcode my .mxf to and .mp4, (I know that is not a solution, but I did as requested). No surprise, the .mp4 played fine with no dropped frames. When I mentioned that it was not a solution, as .mp4 only supports 2 channel audio plus a bunch of other reasons, he wrote this "Premiere pro support mxf files but having know issue with mxf files. Our engineering department is working on this concern to fix the issue Thank you. DO not worry Mark I will pass this concern be half of you to my engineering department to get it fixed in next update."

I guess we wait for this update...


Dragonfly Media




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Participant ,
Aug 24, 2018 Aug 24, 2018

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The bad scrubbing for me seems to be mainly with .mxf files. I was digging through some old stock vision today that was shot an a Sony Z7. It was recorded in HDV 1080/25psf, when I used to work with this Long GOP format I had no choice but to transcode. But with the Threadripper and GTX1080ti I can scrub with zero effort or lag, I can J,K,L at multiple times fwd and reverse. It really is smooth. And when I exported a straight clip with NO effects to h.264, the GPU showed 100% usage and CPU 70% usage and 50% of RAM (32 out of 64GB) From this I can tell that the computer and Premiere can work together really well, but for me, the .mxf's are Premieres achilles heel. Mark




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Explorer ,
Nov 08, 2018 Nov 08, 2018

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I ran the PPBM benchmark on the new version 13.0.1 using the PPBM12-1 project (don't know if it's OK ? or wrong ?)

On my Threadripper 1950X and GTX 1080Ti I got the result : 186","46","13","132"

MPE gain of 132/13=10,2 (don't know what it means ?)




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Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2018 Nov 14, 2018

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I believe it is a paid access to review the other results, but having a few standard numbers would help figure out if something's bad...




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New Here ,
Nov 18, 2018 Nov 18, 2018

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Any updates with the latest version of Adobe? I am about to build a 1950x / 1080ti system and I am wondering of its better now?




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Participant ,
Nov 18, 2018 Nov 18, 2018

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It’s not fixed. Prem 2019, is dropping frames in the source monitor. It even drops frames when playing an empty timeline!! Mark




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