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I hate you...

Community Beginner ,
Nov 20, 2019 Nov 20, 2019

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I hate you so much through your updates and your unanswered, I lost so much time that the money I give you every month since 2016 should be refunded to me.


The hours lost with the customer services (nice be it) but as competent as a student who follows only a guide.


You lost the copyright for Adobe Premiere 2017, your own software ... how amateur you are. Worse, is it supposed to be illegal to use it? wtf


On Premiere 2017 I can edit as a charm with 2 sources 2k superimpose with a fantastic interface speed and executing. Since the 2018 release, every update is a disaster. Recently, I have a fresh version of Windows 10 that works terribly well and I was happy to see the 2020 version that seemed to solve all my worries... no. Only 1 source of 2k lag, the interface is slow until the provision of a text or font change. Even with all the tutorials to improve speed, it's not normal. This is not normal with the computer that I have, especially since you version 2017 all worked well.


I would love to have a link in my mailbox that allows me to legally download the 2017 version, but I know it's impossible. Even with a petition. I would like to ask my community of several hundred thousand people to boycott you, so much I blame you ... but it is illegal and imoral. 


I'm not the only one to have performance problems, but you just keep adding functionality for the hobbyist who knows nothing about editing rather than increasing the performance and solving the known bugs. For amateurs you have the mobile version and the Essential...


I needed to talk about it, sorry about my bad English, it's not my first language. I'm on the ass with the money invested in you not having the opportunity to work with the only stable version that does not make me waste my time. In short, I hate you and I'm stuck with you because I'm not going to buy a Mac to upgrade to Final Cut Pro. The other software on Windows is not suitable for my work.


My PC.

  • Windows 10 updated ( fresh install )
  • Proccessor: i9 9900k 5Ghz
  • Ram: 32Go 3200 MHz
  • Board: ROG Mini ITX Strix z390-e ( Sonic audio drivers do not install because it is known that they are not compatible with Premiere. )
  • Videocard: RTX 2080
  • Disk: M2 480go and SSD Neutron 2TO




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Mentor ,
Nov 20, 2019 Nov 20, 2019

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does this happen with a fresh project or are you importing an old one? try importing a sequence instead. also, make sure gpu is enabled and trash your preferences.




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New Here ,
Nov 05, 2020 Nov 05, 2020

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Premiere Pro 2020 is garbage. It is impossible to any basic editing with it. Dragging one clip to another area of the timeline results in the dreaded spinning wheel. Changing the length of a clip is the same. I have done all the necessary changes to spread up performance and it still gets frozen or crashes. I've lost 5 days of productivity since the update. Thanks Adobe. You suck! 





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New Here ,
Nov 05, 2020 Nov 05, 2020

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Anyone reading this should move to a video editor that actually works. Are we all not tired of being lab rats and paying for Adobe's experiments (aka updates)? The last version of Premiere that worked properly was 2018. These software developers are messing with our income because we loose time dealing with their glitches and also pay them for their crappy updates. Seriously Adobe, we are sick of this!




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 06, 2020 Nov 06, 2020

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Please try out the workarounds in this FAQ: FAQ: How to solve issues related to undocked panels in Premiere Pro v14.5?



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Community Expert ,
Nov 05, 2020 Nov 05, 2020

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do you want to complain or try and solve your problems?   Happy to work with you on this.  But it's never simple troubleshooting these sort of problems remotely.  It takes patience and a willingness to try thing systematically.   Premiere works just fine for me and it works fine for the people I provide support to...  

There are alternatives for windows:  DaVinci Resolve (there is a free version which has a few limitations which can be removed for about a single payment of $300 (I think).  And there's Avid Media Composer which is a subscription model.

Personaly I don't think either of them does as good a job as premiere, but others disagree.

If you want to try and troubleshoot the article, post back and I'll send you a direct email with my contact info.  Willing to spend a few hours zooming with you to see if we can get past your issues.




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Explorer ,
Nov 06, 2020 Nov 06, 2020

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Same here. Performance in 14.5 is so poor. Always the same. You install an update and you are punished for that. Wait a few month and you get an update which works somehow. But all in all the perfromance of Adobe Premiere and After Effects gets worse from version to version. An even with strong PC´s you are not able to work with Adobe Software. I am done!




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Explorer ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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yea, pretty much useless at times. Half baked features (like the captions), instability, the dreaded " a serious problem has occured..." etc. Media Encoder just sitting around doing nothing, terrible GPU usage, bugs that have been around for years that never seem to get fixed.


I really don't care for this or that new feature they keep introducing. I'd really appreciate it if they'd actually spent a few years, not adding new crap, but actually killing the bugs. Maybe also optimize it too? I can only wish.


On an iMac Pro with 64 GB ram, about 50% of the system is idle, GPU usage is anemic. Could it be my RAID is the bottle neck? Tested the project on the internal SSD drive, and maybe shaved off a minute of a 30 min render time. So no. the RAID is perfectly fine.


How is it that Resolve actually makes full use of my GPU? Oh right, they probably optimized their app for it. 


This list goes on. I strongly recommend making the switch over to Resolve. Their free version actually does an amazing job. You only need to pay if you're oging to use certain effect plugins or want to go over UHD resolution. And you'll actually get far better preformance out of it. Only down side is it doesn't integrate with After Effects like Premiere does. 


Come to think of it, that integration with AE and some basic scripting ability are the only two overwhelming positives I can think off of the top of my head.


Remember how Quark used to be back in the late 90's? That's how I see Adobe today.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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geez, I work in Premiere 2019 and 2020 on a couple of old underpowered macs and on a couple of custom built windows machines without any serious issues.    as I said in an earlier post in this thread "do you want to complain or try and solve your problems?"  This is extremely complex software and people are working with a vast variety of hardware and OS and often have additional hardware and software installed that can sometimes cause problems.  




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Explorer ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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Wow, lucky you.


Obviously, we all want to solve these problems. But how does a user solve a bug that Adobe hasn't fixed? Or optimize something they haven't? Let us know.


P.S. A lot of apps are far more complex. And they're doing alright.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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what specific bug are you talking about?  Would you like to spend some time with me via teamviewer or zoom seeing if we can possibly figure out what's going on? If so, just send me a direct message by clicking on my username at the top of any of my posts...     Would be happy to spend some time with you seeing if we can sort your problems out.    




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Explorer ,
Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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I geninuly appreciate your help, but I don't think there's much you can do. My latest frustration? It's the captions / subtitles. Sometimes they'll work but it's a hit or miss. Issues such as them not updating, or unable to ripple edit them if the underlying edit has changed, to captions just disappering if you adjust their duration. I've searched for a long time for solutions to this. Look on these forums. There have been complaints from some users going back to 2018. It suggests to me that those problems have been ignored.


I understand video is complex, but Adobe is in the business of doing complex. Bugs do happen. That's a fact of life. But we users simply expect quick patches, especially to something as simple as captions.


Fortunately, I only needed subtitles for my current project. My workaround last night was to simply write a script to read a .SRT file and to create titles in AE. Those are then imported into Premiere.


I hear the entire caption workflow is getting overhauled in the next version - let's see. I'm hopeful, but... there's alway that nagging feeling that something else might break. It seems like since the subscription model started, Adobe's model has become more like ship-now-QC-later-fix-maybe.


And it's not just time wasted. It makes me look like an amateur when on a working session with a client in person or on zoom and the software misbehaves. They start to question why they should pay my rate when I have to re-do things or use workarounds to get something to work. And they're right. So I don't want a work around, or a troubleshoot. I only want what I paid for to work out of the box. I can troubleshoot, but that's not the business I'm in. I just want to do my creative work unhindered.


Thanks for your help again, but I'm finally done with my project.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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gotta say I don't work extensively with closed captions and subtitles but have managed to make it work without issues when I've needed to.   but glad you managed to put your project to bed.  




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Explorer ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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You lost the copyright for Adobe Premiere 2017, your own software ... how amateur you are. Worse, is it supposed to be illegal to use it? wtf


What, what?? Citation please?




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Explorer ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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