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Hello ,
Short story : in Adobe max 2016 we all saw Adobe Voco and from 2016 to 2018 we dont see any news about him!!
is Adobe Voco dead or Adobe wont release him?
No beta , No alpha , nothing about Adobe VoCo!!!
No problem i still can pay 1000$ for 4h voice recording.
If you have anyinfo About Adobe VoCo please leave it here so we can know what happen to him and Stop thinking about him.
VoCo was presented in an ideas forum - nothing there was guaranteed to be developed or released, neither were any timescales given if they were to be. All sorts of things could get in the way of any of them, and clearly a few have in this case. You may be disappointed, but you're going to have to get over it, I'm afraid.
And if you're doing anything commercially viable, then yes, you budget for voices. If you took somebody else's voice and 'repurposed' it for your own ends, you've effectively sto
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when i see your name Tomy-rex i was like VOCO is HEREEEEEEEEEEE
and then after reading what you just said i start crying but all you just said is JUST A JOKE
what do you mean by spend money and making my own software
if it was that easy everyone will start create there own software -_-
and that true adobe wont do what i want or what i just say
i find a way if we say adobe MAKE VOCO!! adobe will not make it
but if we say Adobe Dont make voco Adobe will make it
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dead joke
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Personally I would love something like Voco if it DID NOT sound like existing famous people. As a hobbiest, it would be great if I could do all the voices of a Character Animator animation. I use Audtion to do some pitch bending, but making my male voice female sounded... strange. (I tried to talk like a girl then pitch blended it up 6 semitones.)
I tried MorphVOX (Voice Changer - Download - Voice Changing Software) which was sort of okay, but did not end up with a result that I was happy to use.
Not sure if you can use Audition effects to do better gender swapping voice morphing. It seemed like there were some special tricks needed to change the timbre of the voice.
I personally do not want text to speech generation - no expresivity in the voice at all! I want to talk with deep expression, do some magic Fourier transforms or something, and come out with the same expression but different tone to the voice. I don’t need it real time - applying a “process” in Audition is fine.
Is this possible today?
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all what you just said is what i want but this is impossible at all
because if Adobe cant make this dream come true who can make it?
as well as i will use this tool for my project so why Adobe who just said :"We want help you " i think they are laying at this :X
anyway i just forget about voco when i see that no one care about it , because they are not CGI
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imadl76280154 worse things happen at sea... I'm sure you'll live.
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Adobe VOCO is a fake software if you don't know. this is a show biz only!
Adobe want promote your products, that used this fake software for fake marketing, paying billions to a supposed TV channel and owner.
Don't worry, because this software never existed.
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Help meeee please I am a film producer and I really need adobe voco
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Voco is NOT happening, and it is NOT available. No one can help you with something that doesn't exist. If you read the previous posts you would have realised this!
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IMO it is only a matter of time before anyone can do this just by using deep learning models (in a year or two), very similar to what's happening for videos with the FakeApp where you can easily swap faces in videos not even having to have scientific background. So, i don't see that as a reason for Adobe to kill this kind of technology, especially if they would be the first to have it.
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True enough O Levonarakelyan.... but this is only good until it starts infringing on ethical issues and human rights... the problem is, the software WILL get abused.... it's human nature... so IMO it's also only a matter of time until the government start clamping down on software use - putting legislation in place around it's creation, use and distribution. Surprised they haven't already TBH. It's going to happen one day though - something bad will happen, and politicians will suddenly wake up to realise that software is a massive infrastructure that has no governmental controls in place for it. For goodness sake, over 95% of software developers in the world don't even get ethical training! Let's see ay?
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Memes That Kill: The Future Of Information Warfare
Read the above... it's not short but it's well written and points up what I was saying.
I rest my case.
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It's not 100% owned by Adobe, according to this video VoCo: Text-based Insertion and Replacement in Audio Narration - YouTube
This video presents a research project called VoCo -- a collaboration between Princeton University and Adobe Research. Our goal is to make it easy to edit audio narrations by typing. Visit our project page: VoCo: Text-based Insertion and Replacement in Audio Narration
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VoCo isn't dead but was most likely sold to a US government entity. I'm guessing CIA but maybe DARPA or even FBI. either way we should be more fearful of them having this software than the general public. At least if the general public was misusing VoCo we can trust that they will be held accountable for any crimes they commit with the software but we know for a fact that when the government uses technology to siege on innocent people they are never held accountable.
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Moderator note: content removed. Please do not disparage or put down other community members.
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So it was just fake video as we can see like in no man sky game for example or star citizen, do you remember Peter Molyneux? Nice joke adobe )
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I am very disappointed with adobe if this was a prank.
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voco is buy for the cia and interpool sorry i thinks this software is public anymore xd maybe some time
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I assume people saw Google Assistant at Google I/O... Google I/O 2018: Google Assistant can soon make complex calls, book appointments - YouTube
It raises lots of interesting challenges for sure. E.g. Should the assistant identify itself as a computer if it makes such a call? But one difference is whether you trying to create an easy to understand voice (and a range of them so different companies can have unique voices), vs are you trying to mimic an existing person. People mimic people's voices all the time (but not always well!!!). But a computer doing it.... it just feels more creepy somehow.
The real challenge for voice acting I think is getting expression into the voice. Computer generated voices are still too bland. (I tried a range of speech synthesizer demos - Google and Amazon both have them online, and there are others around as well.) They are designed to be easy to understand, not expressive. I don't think human voice acting is going anywhere any time soon. The effort to tweak the computer voice still costs way more than paying a voice actor.
Lots of interesting working going on in Japan as well, but it does not work as well for English yet. Vocaloid for singing, voice tweaking for speech (e.g. Love Voice). There is a growing trend of Virtual YouTubers in Japan, using avatars with voice bending to make the character sound more cute, more like an animated character normally does. 3D anime characters are progressing pretty rapidly.
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What does "professional" mean underneath your profile picture? Are you an official Adobe representative?
Is this the only place to watch for voco news?