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Its Goodbye Adobe from me!

May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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Just completed a rather heart wrenching exercise of removing all Adobe Applications from my systems. Was tougher to do  than I thought  emotionally!

Decided not to renew my licences for various reasons.

I have been a long time user of Premiere, After Effects and Photo Shop... and in fact ...most likely the longest member on this Premiere Forum

August 11, 2002 was my join up. Seen many people come and go and only one or two remain that I recognise...Hi Ann Bens, Hi Kevin-Monahan

Did enjoy my time as a professional contributor to this forum very much... and we did have some fun and the occasional rark up in the Video Lounge over issues.

I have loved / adored...using Premiere, After Effects and Photo Shop and seen a lot of progress since the very, very  FIRST Premiere Version.  All versions have worked very well for me and have also been very productive and profitable.

Thanx Adobe...thanx to the Forum.



Craig Howard.




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Community Expert ,
May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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Aside from software, I hope you are doing well personally




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May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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Oh Hi John...still here...thats cool.

Yes absolutely doing really well personally in a new life and a new region.




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May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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I've been missing your comments here on the forum for the last few years, and am absolutely delighted to see a post from you again! Even if it is to say you'll be off the apps now. You were massively helpful when I started out what ... around seven years ago now? ... and I've tried to be as helpful to others as you were to me.

You've been missed. Your direct, highly experienced editor knowledge was always a lesson for so many of us. Do well, and be well ...

R Neil Haugen




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May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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Thanx for kind words Neil.

You took up the mentoring role well in this Forum by working hard and diligently at up skilling. Your advice to others was excellent.





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May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Thanks, Craig ... from you, that means a lot!





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Community Expert ,
May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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I didn't make note of the exact day I joined the old forum, but I started with Premiere 6 (way before CS6) and a bundled Pinnacle DV500 card when I bought a pre-built Alienware Pentium 3 computer back in January 2002

I now build my own... Pentium 4 then I7-930 and now I7-4930k that I built July 2014... still does well for my hobbyist video editing, especially since I have 4 SSD drives to spread the work load around

As Spock would say... Live long and prosper




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May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Hey John

Just saw the amazing amount of points you have accumulated. Freaking unbelievable. Excellent service to the community.

Same goes to Neil. H. Awesome


Both of you and others sure took the time to give full explanations and detailed advice to others, Very giving.

I liked being a bit concise and making "them" work a bit for it. Ha ha.

Is my old nemesis JIm ...still around?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 01, 2019 Jun 01, 2019

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shooternz  wrote

Hey John

Is my old nemesis JIm ...still around?

I'm not John, but this one? If so, yes.


I have to say I've also missed your input here on the forums.





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Jun 01, 2019 Jun 01, 2019

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Yep, Jim is still around and still curmudgeonly. Rather like someone else I can recall...  

Jim is mostly in Resolve for working these days. But still hangs around here a fair amount. He helps with some questions, and taunts in others that actually oh, you know, learning the CRAFT might be an idea (which sadly gets a very expectable response thses days).

I still recall the completely accurate and ABSOLUTELY unsympathetic ... and  cryptic .... replies thee and Jim gave to a few of my early foibles in editing.

Felt very homey, having grown up in a curmudgeonly farming community  ... 🙂

It's that homey touch that has been missing around here without you pairing up with Jim for cryptic causticity ... sigh. Used to crack me up while learning a ton from you two.

Learning and laughter combined, it only needed a good tall glass of cold dark beer ...

I miss your presence here every day, Craig. I loved learning from you, as learning is something that even at 65 my brain still craves. And combined with the dry wit, well ... you often made my day.





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Mentor ,
Jun 01, 2019 Jun 01, 2019

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Luckily all the contributors with the aim of 'helping' ( and also the posters who told of their solutions ) ended up being a nice big database for solving stuff for the new young people coming into shooting and editing.

I read books and sometimes I read one that is about a mystery or event that 'happened' in a small English village or some rural town in the U.S., etc.  And it is inevitable that the story develops 'characters' that interact with each other ( sometimes with some local gossip thrown in ).  Agatha Christie comes to mind. Shakespeare. In a way even the most early recorded 'plays' from ancient Greece, deal with this stuff.. what might be called HUMANITY ( or the humanities ).

Luckily, stories ( Libretto, plays, novels, movies, dance, etc. ) involve the nice creative people in ways that afford them a way to make a living ( hopefully ). Shooting weddings or taking still shots at weddings, is as much a storytelling exercise as shooting a hamburger on a tabletop. Or a major motion picture, or an episodic TV show.

I think the important thing with age ( and some wisdom acquired ) is that a respectful acceptance of history and past associations is fit into a comfortable space ( within our egos ) where forward progress to create and help and ( yes, it's true ) 'love' each other as much as possible …  is a goal worth pursuing.

It's not about 'goodbye'.   It's about 'keep around and help some more' and so on.

This isn't high school 50th year reunion. It's every day living.




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Mentor ,
Jun 01, 2019 Jun 01, 2019

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Beautifully and eloquently stated! May we who move forward remember these words...




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Community Expert ,
May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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I don't know you but,

Wish you the best of luck Craig!




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Mentor ,
May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Sometimes getting older means getting wiser. The humanities describe wisdom with some degree of humility, integrity, morality, empathy, etc. ( mostly virtues, instead of vices ). In a very competitive world it's really hard to love thy neighbor while bidding for jobs against local ( or even not local ) competitors. Things get critical when dealing with income stream and monthly nuts to crack.

Luckily, Craig, you flourished at first, and then survived the revolution of computers and cameras and editing ( and conglomeration of ad agencies ), -- so that pro people with studios and equipment (competing with kids new on the scene shooting prosumer ) was a part of your later career,  and you got out with a relatively intact income stream and mobility to get close to retirement comfortably.

In a way you had to keep up with new tech, and adjust to knowing it ( learning it because nobody knew what could be done until the pioneers arrived to work out the kinks, etc. ).  This forum did well to help that happen, with your contributions being very important and useful. You knew the workflow and export for certain projects and made it work for you, and helped others solve problems via this forum and probably other ways outside of this forum.

Some people know the differences between being hired as a DP and being in the pro flow of work, vs. the home computer NLE world of doing personal projects ( leading unbelievably into pro projects to some extent in the past 15 years ).

Anyway, if you have the boxed version of CS6 and win 10, photoshop, PPro, audition, and encore work OK. After effects NG on mine.

So maybe you can still use photoshop at least... which would be my personal biggest lament, re: giving up all Adobe stuff.

I don't care about the rest.. as i'm using Resolve now, and never let Adobe into my pocket with CC.

I personally feel you should get a 'free' CC subscription ( like ACP members ) for the equiv. of creative suite master edition... whether you contribute to this forum or not.

Which brings up the point... you can still help people even if you aren't actively using the product now.

Hope you are still shooting something to stay creative and happy inside... regardless of money making.... or just happy with how you've moved on.

( this is my latest test of a new bmpcc thing shot in an the 'affordable housing' place I now live in MN. …)

Must keep doing something … not for money, but just to keep doing something.





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Adobe Employee ,
May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Shooter! Dude, we missed you! Sorry you are leaving Adobe. That said, you are not leaving without our utmost appreciation for all you did for the community. Thank you!

Your advice and and support to the forum will certainly be missed, but feel free to come by and say hi once in awhile. Maybe someday I will be in New Zealand and we can meet and have a proper drink.

Take care and be well in your new life.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Maybe someday I will be in New Zealand and we can meet and have a proper drink.

Please do. That would be so cool Kevin.  We did have a few virtual ones in the Lounge over the years.

Lot of people I met thru this Forum I would also love the opportunity to meet in person.  It was a great time.

BTW - Have you got that car racing and up to crazy speed yet?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2019 Jun 02, 2019

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Craig, thought about you recently wondering what had become of you (and Bill Hunt, anyone know?).

I celebrated my 12th birthday in NZ, but have never made it back. Perhaps one day still...

Rolling Rocks in the lounge on me!





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Jun 02, 2019 Jun 02, 2019

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I haven't talked to Bill Hunt in about 2 years, but the last discussion we had he said...

1 - He was mostly retiring and would no longer do any big projects (except traveling with wife)

2 - He was absolutely never going to use subscription software, so no more Adobe




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Mentor ,
May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Craig- though we seldom conversed your name is one that I always stopped to read for the wisdom in your perception. I have been an Adobe user for more than 35 years and it has taken me creative places I only dreamed of. To hear that you are removing all saddens me greatly but I know that one day I will prob. reach that point and if and when I do I hope it is because I am going to hit the road to explore new avenues.

I hope your new adventures will give you great joy and fulfillment. You will be greatly missed!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2019 Jun 02, 2019

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Hi Graig,

Missed you and now you are going again.

You made me laugh at times.

Have a great new life.





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