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Lumetri, morph cut, warp stabilizer, titling, captions, export, read/write permissions

Explorer ,
Mar 24, 2017 Mar 24, 2017

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James_eater's advice is best so far. Until Adobe gets their act together, I'm finding that the less Premiere Pro touches my footage the better. Lumetri, morph cut, warp stabilizer, titling, captions, export, read/write permissions... CC2017 in the last month has been more error, glitch, and crash ridden then anything I've downloaded since the Vista days (and all of those woes were because of Vista, no questions or doubts about that). Adobe's CC subscription model is starting to prove the detractors true - as long as we keep paying, I'm beginning to think Adobe won't fix anything besides the most embarrassing errors and let the others slide.

I for one am trying not to get caught flat footed and have started learning Davinci Resolve and Fusion. Resolve has a bit of a learning curve (as do all programs) and doesn't have the format support of Premiere Pro, and I haven't been able to tackle Fusion much at all, but seeing as both of them are free in contrast to beta testing for Adobe... only so much to complain about.

If Adobe doesn't clear out the bugs they've let collect and spill over, they'll start feeling it in their bottom line sooner than later. CS6 versions of illustrator, indesign - they'll do fine for me and since I'll be buying those second hand Adobe won't see any from it, and I'll just subscribe for After Effects for any effects work since Premiere Pro seems to just error out more often than not and send it along to Resolve... well, so it goes






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Explorer ,
Mar 24, 2017 Mar 24, 2017

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PoMaf​ - Here's hoping that it gets fixed sooner rather than later. I feel like I've seen this error popping up randomly since the early 2017 build (maybe even the last 2016 build). To be fair though all NLE's have bugs and errors that need to be dealt with. Even in their heyday AVID and FCP7 had work-arounds and tricks you needed to know to keep your life headache free.

And from what I surmise this isn't wholly Adobe's fault for the issue. Updating software you cope with the fast rate of updates and changes for video cards and GPU firmware updates can take time. Especially if the actual fault is at the hands of the Video Card/GPU manufacturer.

When you take a step back and think about what NLE software is actually doing, in the age of HD and UHD video, it's pretty damn impressive. But admittedly there are a lot of moving parts to make it happen.





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Explorer ,
Mar 24, 2017 Mar 24, 2017

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I'm hoping it gets fixed sooner than later too! I'm just more concerned that so long as we're paying, Adobe can shrug it off. And it may or may not be Adobe's fault, but I'm not on overly old hardware here (core i7 surface book w the gpu. Only 8GB ram, but I monitor it, and RAM usage never goes above 60% of use), and CC2015 was rock solid on the exact same system; if ever there was an issue, I knew what it was - and it was my fault and I could find the fix.

Long story: On CC2017, it's one thing after another...  random read/write permission error, premiere pro randomly decides a single .mov file no longer exists and once I do relink it decides it no longer has video (a quick extension swap to .mp4 solves that)... and this was on a project that two nights ago had zero issues. I was checking the final output, to discover that the morph cut + lumetri was rendering out wrong to some horrific grey zone wherever a secondary key was involved. Four hours later, after I create a new project and import the sequence (still same issue), then delete premiere pro entirely (to discover still the same issue)... my solution was simply to remove the effects, retool the projects, and then output. Hours of my time wasted because of Adobe. I want to use their tools, but when they keep breaking down.

Sorry about the rant, but when the difference is so night and day (and this extends beyond Premiere Pro, so many of their programs are throwing up new, never before seen errors at me), and they went from taking steps forward to so many steps back (but we did get 360 and VR! /s) Adobe has their work cut out for them.

Upside, it is all amazing, and there is competition for all this amazing technology - and I'm not beholden to any one of it! So I'm getting out there and "seeing the world" so to speak!

Hope it's going better for you than me RE: CC2017.






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