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News on Premiere Next at Adobe Max

Advocate ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Join us today at our #AdobeMAX keynote, live at 9:30 a.m. PT with CEO Shantanu Narayen and SVP @DWadhwani: http://adobe.ly/AdobeNext






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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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I tried. Could not get in.






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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Try here:


It is live now.

No more 'CS'... next version is 'CC' (Creative Cloud)!

Is Maxon Cinema 4D Lite bundled with Ae Cloud Subscription only?

Jason Levine only mentioned Cloud download.

New "CC" licensing allows concurrent use on two systems!

Are the available fonts for Creative Cloud Subscription only?

CC access is all Jeff Veen mentioned re: fonts.

Did I really just hear that all new features are Cloud Subscription only?

I guess the Pen is Mightier than the box.





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Engaged ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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It sucks





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Advocate ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Joe- "Did I really just hear that all new features are Cloud Subscription only?"

Yes, you heard correctly.





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Engaged ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Yes, hence my it sucks comment





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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Cue the "Cloudvocates".





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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Apparently I am a "Cloudvocate".

For me. Everyone else needs to make their own decisions. I could not justify the $2500 I needed to buy all of CS6 but I could afford a monthly subscription.

I do have some concerns. Normally when an update comes out, I have not seen any way to keep a copy of the last version just in case Adobe broke something. They say they will deal with that but I am waiting to see how that works out. I suppose I could have cloned my disk just in case.

I have to admit that even though I had not upgraded to CS4 or CS5 or CS5.5 I was still able to use CS3. It does worry me a bit, but I am saving for my retirement and I believe I will be able to save enough to cover my software needs.

I know why people do not want to be locked into $600 per year. I expect to live another twenty years so that will be $12000 in software costs. Yes the price will go up, but so will my investments along with the market in some cases and along with the cost of living in other cases. That is a lot of money, but if I upgraded every time Adobe released a new version, it would probably come out about the same.

In any case, it is fine for me.

As for other choices. Video editing with Lightworks is free. As for Photoshop and After Effects, well, there are other, inferior, products. I can't see people using anything else. But given time, perhaps competitors will show up in an attempt to get all of the people abandoning Adobe.

I believe that Adobe should make it possible to keep the software you have on your PC at any point in time by paying the difference between what you paid over the last year or two and the calculated value of the software. So, at least a $600 discount on a $2500 package. Maybe prorated over the entire time you have subscribed to the cloud.






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Advocate ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Steven, heres my math.

For ten years + I have upgraded the Production Bundle for $360

Next year I will pay for the Cloud yearly about         $600

Theres the math for you.

And before if I didnt want to upgrade, I could still edit

Now if I stop renting, I dont edit.

Thats even more an issue for me than the math 





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Advocate ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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I have read through the four pages of this thread, and noted the near unanimity of views - except for the few who shill (I believe that is the correct American expression) for Adobe.  I hope that someone with influence at Adobe will do the same, and take note.

I hope it turns out that this innovation should have been christened Creative Cloud Cuckoo Land!

I have one thing only to add - goodbye Adobe bank account, it has not been nice knowing you these past thirteen years.





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Participant ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Steven L. Gotz wrote:

I believe that Adobe should make it possible to keep the software you have on your PC at any point in time by paying the difference between what you paid over the last year or two and the calculated value of the software. So, at least a $600 discount on a $2500 package. Maybe prorated over the entire time you have subscribed to the cloud.

I'm pretty sure that at some point when CC made its debut last year I saw somwhere on Adobe website that they planned to offer a discounted permanent licensing option after a while for CC subscribers. Even if I'm personaly satisfied with the current CC model, I don't like the fact that they silently discarded this idea, as a lot of people still require this "safety net". CC could have been perfect with this option.





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New Here ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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I can absolutely see why the cloud is a good deal for new customers but, as others have pointed out, for existing customers - especially those of us with the master collection - it represents a price increase. It's amusing to see that quote from an Adobe manager (in the Cnet article) promising that 'we won't raise the price to $100/month" and that "We're pretty confident that even when the price normalizes at the $50 list price, most of these customers are going to stay". Meanwhile in Europe, the 'normal' price for the cloud is €61.49/month, or around $80 - which is about 50% more than the cost of the upgrade to CS6 spread over 12 months. So, as an existing customer, it's hard to get enthusiastic about the deal that the subscription represents.

Having said that, the price increase isn't huge, it's just unpleasant; but I think it's the lack of choice that is particularly jarring. Before, if I wanted to wait a bit longer before upgrading, I could decide when to budget and schedule (not in the middle of a major project) upgrades. With the cloud I'll just keep handing over cash, and Adobe will decide what's best for me. So, for the moment at least, I think I'll make do with the CS6 until a killer feature comes along that I can't do without.





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Participant ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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matkeane wrote:

Before, if I wanted to wait a bit longer before upgrading, I could decide when to budget and schedule (not in the middle of a major project) upgrades. With the cloud I'll just keep handing over cash, and Adobe will decide what's best for me.

In about a year of creative cloud use I've never been forced to upgrade anything against my will, and I'm pretty sure I won't be either when new major versions pop out. It was also clearly stated during the first Max keynote that Application Manager will let you go back to older versions (starting with CS6) if needed.

Regarding the huge pricing difference in Europe this is an absolute nonsense and needs to be adressed.





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Enthusiast ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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KGCW wrote:

In about a year of creative cloud use I've never been forced to upgrade anything against my will, and I'm pretty sure I won't be either when new major versions pop out. It was also clearly stated during the first Max keynote that Application Manager will let you go back to older versions (starting with CS6) if needed.

Indeed, but you 'have' been forced to keep paying month after month or lose the use of the software, regardless of whether you wanted to upgrade or not.





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Participant ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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I've been "forced" to nothing, I bought one year of softwares licensing for a set price, with payment spread on twelve months. That was the deal and that's what I got.

I really understand that for hobbyst and / or permanent licence owner this might be a very upsetting move. But for businesses coming now to Adobe softwares this is an absolute no brainer.





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Enthusiast ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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KGCW wrote:

I've been "forced" to nothing, I bought one year of softwares licensing for a set price, with payment spread on twelve months. That was the deal and that's what I got.

I really understand that for hobbyst and / or permanent licence owner this might be a very upsetting move. But for businesses coming now to Adobe softwares this is an absolute no brainer.

That's what all this is about.  Easy in for new customers and screw the old ones relying on inertial to keep some or most of them around with increased revenue.

You are correct that you agreed a 12 month license, but if you want to keep using your 'old' (current CC) software you still have to keep paying for the 'new' software even if you don't want it / can't use it (i.e. the AVCHD debacle in CS6 which kept lots of people with 5.5).

I don't want to have to keep paying over and over if I don't want / need the new stuff.

Yes I am a business, not a hobbyist and no this doesn't make sense to me because I've already invested thousands in Adobe software.  Now they want me to forget all that and start renting it from them instead with the miserly discount for the "first year only" as some sort of reward for already being loyal to them over the years.  Nope. Not buying it (hah! you can't buy it any more, you have to rent it!).

I'll continue to use what I have until it's no longer viable and then look around elsewhere if Adobe haven't come to their senses by then.





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Engaged ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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ExactImage wrote:

KGCW wrote:

In about a year of creative cloud use I've never been forced to upgrade anything against my will, and I'm pretty sure I won't be either when new major versions pop out. It was also clearly stated during the first Max keynote that Application Manager will let you go back to older versions (starting with CS6) if needed.

Indeed, but you 'have' been forced to keep paying month after month or lose the use of the software, regardless of whether you wanted to upgrade or not.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there hasn't been any updates since the cloud was announced.  Didn't it start with CS6?  So there is nothing for them to force on you at this time.





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Enthusiast ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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tclark513 wrote:

ExactImage wrote:

KGCW wrote:

In about a year of creative cloud use I've never been forced to upgrade anything against my will, and I'm pretty sure I won't be either when new major versions pop out. It was also clearly stated during the first Max keynote that Application Manager will let you go back to older versions (starting with CS6) if needed.

Indeed, but you 'have' been forced to keep paying month after month or lose the use of the software, regardless of whether you wanted to upgrade or not.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there hasn't been any updates since the cloud was announced.  Didn't it start with CS6?  So there is nothing for them to force on you at this time.

They have in fact added specific updates to Creative Cloud. They versions still are in the CS6 family, but they were features not included in the original release.

The Creative Cloud desktop app was the main big thing added for me, but they've added additional software packages (all the Edge tools), features in Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver. These are things only available to Creative Cloud members.

Now that everything will be focused on the Creative Cloud, I think you should expect to see a couple of things. First of all, gone will be the days of "here's a new version, with 20 new features and enhancements!" Instead, you'll see the improvements added along the way (just like apps on your phone, updates are pumped out as they are created). With this past year of CC, you can easily see that while they released some improvements, they did save a few things for NAB and MAX, just so they could have a bigger announcement. But now they're done with that routine of song and dance each year and major announcments. Secondly, you'll see some experimental/beta features put out there, kind of like Google does. So these will be things like maybe a filter/effect that aren't 100% ready for prime time, but you get access to try it and improve/enhance it along the way, but without breaking your software as-is. Right now, Adobe sets up all these tests with groups of beta testers on a regular cycle to ready each new round of enhancements for each major annual release. I know people don't like to think of themselves as beta-testers, but personally, I'd love the opportunity to be involved in new ideas as they're coming along so that I can add my voice to the stuff Adobe is developing BEFORE they are realeased as final versions (at which point, everything devolves to feature requests instead, like "this is great, but please change it to do this instead becaues that's how I work").

There were a couple of feature updates that I didn't download right away for Photoshop, and I didn't get a reminder from Adobe saying "hey, you haven't downloaded that update yet, what's wrong with you? Get to it!!" So if they are planning to force every update down my throat in the future, they certainly haven't given me any cause for concern at the current time.





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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Joe- "Did I really just hear that all new features are Cloud Subscription only?"

Yes, you heard correctly.

I suppose this means there are no plans

to retrofit any features to CS6.





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Advocate ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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Nope. Its strictly rent from the Cloud or nothing, from now on it seems.





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May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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No more perpetual license at all?





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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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I wonder...

Does the implementation of the Creative Cloud licensing

assist in combating unauthorized use of Adobe software?

If so, that would be an understandable yet unstated objective

of gradually moving ALL users toward a subscription model.

And, that might affect my current inclination toward the box.

I hope this speculative post that obliquely references

a taboo subject doesn't breach Forum Guidelines.





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May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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1.) Go with Open Source or competitive alternatives

I'd very much like to see a discussion on what the alternatives are to AE, Premiere and Photoshop, open source or paid.





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People's Champ ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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I'd very much like to see a discussion on what the alternatives are to AE, Premiere and Photoshop, open source or paid.







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Advocate ,
May 14, 2013 May 14, 2013

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Just about 13,000 very unhappy petition signing custmomers and still climbing  on May 14. 

Any speculation what the numbers will be on June 17 (the release date for CC)?





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