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Premiere has turned in a giant turd in 2020.

Community Beginner ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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Sorry Adobe.  You're losing a 10 year customer.  You first enraged me with your legacy Title functionality "update" as it no longer works for me with the workflow I used.  And you pointlessly keep rearranging icons in ways that I have to reorganize my layout.  WHY?  Your locate media option doesn't allow me to select my iCloud and I was told by customer support to change my workflow.  You focus on minutia like layout changes, yet your platform can't support variable frame rate iphone footage, which is HUGELY idiotic when you consider about 80% of humans use iphones.  Premiere has just become the laggy old lady that can't get up from the chair.  It's ridiculous.  I pay you a set amount each month to give me QUALITY products.  I'm better off using iMovie which is free.  


I crank out about 3-5 vids a week, so I know it's not me.  Your product is simply getting worse.  In the most general of senses, you have regressed in your updates and overall ease of use.  All of my industry friends have switch to Davinci Resolve and from the sounds of it, you're about to lose a lot more people.   I'm a Vegas movie/music producer and it's become a shared joke about how underwhelming Premiere has become.  


Your customer care/support is borderline moronic when I'm told to research and download HANDBRAKE to solve your varibable framerate goose egg.  Are you kidding me?  HANDBRAKE?  Why am I paying Adobe then??  And I can't even understand most of your customer support team anyway, as they are all from India with very strong accents.  While trying to explain problems most of the time they just speak over me or somehow tell me how I'm just wrong.  OR to change my work process.  I'm done.  I'm sitting here trying to edit a 45 second video and I'm on hour TWO.  Ridiculous.  




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Community Expert ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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This is a public forum with "some" Adobe staff participation, use the links below to make a report or request
-for Video & Audio & Animator programs https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/




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Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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Well ... first, feel free to rant. We all need that from time to time, I certainly have done my share here.


Next ... a few things I might disagree on ... such as "80% of humans use iphones". The actual numbers don't even come close, you know? Like the majority of phone/computer/tech users, I've never owned an Apple device of any kind. Apple gear provides something substantially under 20% in the US, well under that elsewhere.


My Samsung phone media typically does mostly work, but ... I still t-code in Handbrake whether I'm using Premiere or Resolve as it simply works better. Cleaner. More reliably. In both apps. I don't spend any time on it, that's a batch process while I'm away from the computer. But then, I also use MediaEncoder's watch folders to batch a lot of mp4/mov to an intraframe codec for editing. Again ... cleaner, faster working process. Without eating any of my time.


Just being practical about it.


Adobe's "help" is unfortunately somewhat legendary ... and not to the good side. One thing Kevin Monahan (product support staffer here) always suggests is if you go to their help, either phone or chat, IMMEDIATELY ask for the Video Queue when you get a live body. The regular ones are generalists, the Video Queue people can actually be decently helpful.


And most users don't have a clue about their presence.






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Guide ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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I think a lot of people can relate to your rant and to some extent I tend to agree. I have been using Premiere since version 6.0. Not Premiere Pro 6.0 but Premiere 6.0. I later bought Premiere Pro 1.0, CS 4.0 and CS 5.5. Do I wish we still had the option for the CS version? Of course I do. DaVincis Resolve is a nice program. You also have Fairlight for free as part of DR. Cakewalk Sonar is 100% free and supports MIDI channels as well as touch screen support Adobe Audition does not. Will Adobe look at the competition and restructure the CC pricing? Will Adobe listen to the customers? Only time will tell.




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Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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You may be correct in that roughly 80 percent of the video shooters use a smartphone as their device. However, relatively few of those perform any editing at all whatsoever. And of those, a large percentage of those use simple, cheap consumer software that offers very limited features and codec/resolution support. That leaves the 22 percent or so of all smartphone video shooters who use any sort of professional-level editing software at all.


With all that said, remember that all pro-level NLEs started out as tools designed strictly to handle footage coming from HUGE, truck-sized studio cameras with little to no compression and strictly constant frame rates to begin with. Support for more compressed consumer formats and variable frame rate footage have been (rather reluctantly) added to these expensive pro-level tools over the years.




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Advisor ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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hehe, the title is funny cause it's not a giant turd. It's an increasingly over designed stuffing of new stuff ( and changes to UI ) that sorta works pretty good as long as you're using what it likes.

I've seen some really cool and amazing demonstrations by users here... showing how you can do amazing stuff with PPro.

I don't think what you wrote is a rant. More like an observation ( albiet subjective which is OK ).

This is not adobe. Nobody ( really, truly, NOBODY ) here is adobe. So, unfortunately, your observation is falling on deaf ears in terms of influencing the future programming of Adobe software or customer support.


I just bought this online so I can make initial color correction faster for me using resolve. It will be interesting to see if it works good ...








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Enthusiast ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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The Davinci Resolve User Forum shows that there a lot of problems with Resolve also.  No video editing program is free of problems.




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Guide ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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The other companies fix the bugs. Adobe not so much. Adobe will fix the extremely huge flaws. Keep in mind DaVinic Resolve is free. I think the real salt on the wound is you pay Adobe each month. Adobe does not give you a refund each month until the bugs get fixed. I wouldn't mind Premiere Pro being buggy if it were free but it more expnesive that FCPX and DR.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 06, 2020 Aug 06, 2020

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Moved to Video Lounge.




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