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When do you get tired of ...

Guru ,
Nov 11, 2013 Nov 11, 2013

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  • Noobs that refuse to RTFM
  • FCP converts that persist in converting to intermediate formats
  • Noobs that use non-editable material and complain all the time
  • Jungfrau marathon after 37.8 km






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Nov 18, 2013 Nov 18, 2013

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I remember your re-edit of Prime Suspect. I thought it was better than what the studio turned out. Maybe that is why the series died?






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Nov 18, 2013 Nov 18, 2013

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wasnt re-edit.. was from slated shots from dvd dailies ( vob files on the dvd ).  I thought it came out good too, and in some areas better than the broadcast. But I had a TON of time to work on it and was THERE when it was shot... so I sorta had an advantage. Plus I only did a couple parts of scenes.. and plus had no worries about overall time of broadcast.

you know the weird thing about editing ???  unless you KNOW what raw material the editor had to work with , there's really no way to judge accurately how well the editor did... except of course in general terms ( pace, mix, etc ).  Really. If you dont know what was there to begin with how can you judge what was cut up and used ??? 

I had clips from the process trailer stuff where I wanted to use a certain clip but the trailer was moving ( stuff outside car windows moving )... up against a clip where the car had stopped at a light ( stuff outside NOT moving ). So that was tricky. Find the clip and part of clip that matches and at same time talent didn't mess up line, and so on.  Had to make cuts I didnt really want to make due to that sort of thing.  That one clip where she is leaning back and turned to bad guy in back seat is  an example. You'll notice a rea fast cut in there...almost looks awakward . She is saying " but if we go up there, you're gonna show us what you did, right ?"... that was one of those weird car moving car not moving things.





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Nov 18, 2013 Nov 18, 2013

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this is goin to crack you up.....

I suck at page design. I dont know why. I have NEVER been good at it no matter how hard I TRY.

I guess I will just have to admit that I will die probably before I finally GET IT and become good at it....

Anyway, among my page design conundrums (sp ? ) is obviously web site pages.... which is even HARDER than print stuff cause there are no set parameters re: page size and so on...

Like, if someone says " hey shoot this for this ad, they give you a comp to work from ( with the whole thing sorta DONE already, and you know where your shot is gonna have to fit in etc )

In web land that is not often the case.. and screen resolutions change all the time. Web design is really a fine art in some ways .....believe it or not.

Anyway, like I said I suck at it....and here's my latest example...

This is my new menu for little website ( I have no clue why I bother to keep having website other than just in case I wanna share stuff and have my own email etc )


I had a different menu up there yesterday. Now I got it into my head to put what print AD's call an 'anchor' up there on the top right , to denote the space ...see it ??? It sorta looks like when you wanna play HANGMAN doesn't it ????






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People's Champ ,
Nov 18, 2013 Nov 18, 2013

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I am not at all sure I understand what you want, but if it is a case of having both text and images in your menu, it is easier to turn the text into images first. Then the menu can be made up of all images.

Or did I completely misunderstand?






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Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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hehe.. steve.. it was just a joke ( kinda lame I guess ) about the 'anchor' thing looking like part of the game ' hangman '.

The DW forum was nice. I went there to ask about how to get my tables centered in page and I got the code right away. Yipee !





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Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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oh oh

the mouse started making weird fan noise today. when I upgraded OS to win7 from XP one thing that happened to mouse was that it started variation of the fan speed ( probably the cpu fan ). The mouse never varied fan speed before. But since upgrade I can hear the fan reving up and down depending on what I'm doing. Like, if I go to adobe bridge it revs up. I'm not doing any editing or heavy work visually etc on the mouse. The mouse is now my " social computer " and the pig is my work computer.

Anyway, today the mouse fan started making bad noise and I put my hand in the back of the case and it was blowing hot air out...which it NEVER did before. And it was making this noise...

So I WHACKED IT good ( with my hand )... sorta just whacked it where the power supply fan is located. After a few whacks the mouse got quiet.. no more noise.

But I'm worried now. I don't wanna take the mouse apart. It is literally STUFFED with things...it is what you might call a STUFFED MOUSE. I can't even get to my ram chips unless I take out about half the cards and cables and drives that are STUFFED in there...

poor mousey.

if this keeps up and the whacking doesn't fix the problem I may be " mouse-less " for a while





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Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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You're gonna laugh , but you know I live in an apartment where there are a number of weird wonderful people living in the same apartment complex.  Yesterday ( I am not kidding ) I saw one tenant in the lobby wearing a day glo ORANGE winter coat with some camo design...and I asked , " What's THAT for ?  Is it so you can be hiding in a pumpkin patch ? "

Then there was the 97 year old woman who knocked on my door the other day.... and asked me if I had seen a really handsome man with chisled ( sharp ) facial features, wearing a beautiful SILK SHIRT .... and his name was JESUS. She was looking for him cause she neglected to pay attention to him the " other day " when he was by her side in the community room.

This morning in the lobby area of the complex there was this nice woman ( who I really like, as she has never had a mean bone in her body - but she is obviously mentally "challenged" ) who lives with her 96 year old MOTHER who told me her mom fell down and had to go to the hospital the other day and is now using a walker. OMG ! What will happen to my friend NOW ???? Without her Mother ???  I have to follow up on this.

The plot thickens. There is a TV Watcher and a Sidekick to the TV watcher ( both smoke a cigar every day on the patio facing the lake in back and the sidekick ( on anti depressant meds ) looks thoughtful while he smokes along side TV watcher ( who has 2 hip and 2 knee replacements ). I told TV watcher he should get electronically controlled hips and knees and be like the BIONIC MAN ! He's cool and is normal except for the physical problems.

Anyway, unless you think everyone is weird here.. I have to say that there is only one more REALLY strange person here who I call CURSING MAN, and he stands outside my window in the parking lot cursing at nobody.  He uses really bad language and curses at apparently invisible people, while he waits for a ride to take him who knows where. Probably to the clinic to get more meds.

Don't get me wrong.. there are plenty of other weird people here , including ME, like the Iranian guy downstairs and the orthodox Russians, and the electric wheelchair crowd, and so on. There is even a ROCK STAR ( really ! ) who lives here sorta. I haven't figured him out yet. He used to live in the apt. complex I lived in BEFORE I got here....and I thought at first there was some weird metaphysical REASON he was following me around town. I now think his astrological charts and his planets and stars just happen to coincide with BEER THIRTY !

The woman who lives across the hall from me is really nice and I think the ROCK STAR has hooked into her in some way. Like maybe he's trying to get into her pants ? Anyway, the other day at about midnight the ROCK STAR was out in the hall using a VACUME CLEANER ( with a really loud motor )....and I looked out the door and THIS IS WHAT I SAW !




ps... time to start drinking the cooking wine....ran outta COORS LITE OMG





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Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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in case you are thinkiing ( like any normal human would ) that this has NOTHING to do with adobe products and the brilliant help available with the forums.. let me mosey on ( while I whack the unruly mouse one more time )....damn.. I'm gonna have to take the side panel off and clean all that stuff....at least.. and see whats up )


I have recently got cs6 hard copy, got nikon d800 with ninja ( wanky but better than card ), have benefited for 3 years from the forum helpers to educate me, and am now closer than ever to do what I can struggle to DO , to make something fun and tell stories or something.. have fun with this stuff which was un attainable a few years ago.  I do wanna get shooters autograph some day, and Jim Simons. And of course Jeff Bellune, and that other guy who wanted NOTHING BUT THE FACTS... and so on...there is no end to my worship , including ( I am kidding now ) the CEO of adobe .  In my opinion he should move to Tibet and talk to worms while building a movie theatre.





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Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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Anyway, unless you think everyone is weird here..

Who..us think that....Nooooooooo...





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Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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did you see that MOOSE ????  LOL....






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Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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There's a scary article in paper today about this....

A Year Along the Syria-Turkey Border

I hope with Thanksgiving coming up the newspapers focus more on cool places like the mashed potato - Turkey border, or the Cranberry Sauce - Turkey border...which would take some pressure off the Syria - Turkey border.  As you can see from photo, the Cranberry Sauce - Turkey border, just at the foothills, is a verdant beautiful area, with a nice climate....






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Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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able123 wrote:

  As you can see from photo, the Cranberry Sauce - Turkey border, just at the foothills, is a verdant beautiful area, with a nice climate....

And yet it is the very definition of a vanishing landscape.






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Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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Nov 21, 2013 Nov 21, 2013

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the local food store has mostly turkeys that are at minimum 12 LBS ....and I had to order from the meat dept. a special SMALL turkey ( 8 to 10 LB ). I hope I'm not hurting the natural selection process of turkey life on the range...like robbing the cradle or something sinister. Maybe there are little shrimp turkeys even though they are fully grown etc.


I was invited into the managerial office of apt. complex this morning by the resident social worker , who mentioned that several old tenants had made some alarming complaints about some stranger outside from outer space who CURSES and SCARES THEM. Was I aware of any events outside involving a Cursing Man near my apartment facing east ?
Apparently Cursing Man has attracted the IRE of some old foggies ( IRE not to be confused with legal scale of voltage for broadcast ).





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Nov 21, 2013 Nov 21, 2013

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able123 wrote:

the local food store has mostly turkeys that are at minimum 12 LBS ....and I had to order from the meat dept. a special SMALL turkey ( 8 to 10 LB ). I hope I'm not hurting the natural selection process of turkey life on the range...like robbing the cradle or something sinister. Maybe there are little shrimp turkeys even though they are fully grown etc.


Nah. It just means you're getting an actual turkey, instead of a steroid-and-growth-hormone-enhanced genetically-engineered frankenbird.

In my younger days I did a lot of hunting--including turkeys. The wild turkeys here in Michigan (and in the other states where I've hunted) are a fair bit smaller, on average, than the bloated things they pass off as turkeys in the grocery stores. Myself, these days I go for farm-raised from a local farm where I know they don't "enhance" their birds.






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Nov 21, 2013 Nov 21, 2013

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aha, thanks OB. There's local farms etc around here in MN. but so far I'm new here and haven't met the local population much, to hook up with local grown or hunted stuff.

The local food store is pretty cool , considering what they are dealing with.  I have noticed there's tons of hormel stuff here and not much boar's head, and I guess a lot of marketing and brands is due to age old connections and contracts for distribution etc from chicago originally ?  East coast has tons of boars head and hardly ANY hormel.

The coffee and bread and various other stuff ( staples ) all seem to be sorta slightly different than the east coast... with regard to 'choices'.

All in all I kinda like it here cause I don't go out to eat much and am old enough now where making my own food is better than going out anyway ( or to a deli to get a sandwich ). I do miss the bread stuff ( italian, french, kaiser rolls etc ) but its no big deal. The pizza is bizarre here ( carbones ? and dominoes ? ) but I dont eat that anyyway.

now I'm making short ribs in some new combo pressure cooker slow cooker thing I just bought...and it's the second time so should come out good.

yipee !  I wish I had some fresh chestnuts to make stuffing for turkey, and the food store might get some from Italy... so maybe that will work out okay.






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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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Being someone who loves to cook, I would be interested in just exactly which slow cooker/pressure cooker appliance (or pot or whatever) you are referring to, and would you recommend it (it sounds like you do, so far)? I am not much into slow cookers, but I've been debating a pressure cooker for a while now.

And if you do decide to go for a pizza, stay away from Domino's -- at least if they're anything like the ones here in Michigan. I don't know Carbones. Typically, when I want pizza, I make it myself.

And, personally, I couldn't live without a good italian bread. If I didn't have a good artisan bakery near my home, I'd have to take up baking -- about the only part of cooking i don't enjoy -- too much science, or art, or something. My loaves always look unleavened.

Anyway, good luck in your new locale.






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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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thanks. So far new locale is pretty nice.

The bread thing here is horrible. I tried making kaiser rolls ( my first bread making attempt ) and it was like my kitchen was being attacked by THE BLOB . The result was okay taste wise but looked dumb and the crust wasnt like a real kaiser roll . You're right, its like some kinda secret science. water certain temp, how much yeast, how long to rise ( twice ), when to brush on butter etc to make crust nice... I suck at the bread making thing. I bought frozen rolls which are pretty good and will just have to live with that.

I bought something called the INSTA POT ( INSTAPOT ? )  from amazon , was on sale. I like it so far. The menus ( times for cooking etc ) have to be adjusted slightly to suit your own desires. Like my short ribs yesterday should have been on the high temp setting for the slow cook part , for the amount of liquid I wanted to reduce...

Little by little I'll get used to it ....

The instruction manual that comes with it is almost totally useless.  But the online help for it is really good.  I think I paid about $120.00 for it ???  Down from about $190.00 ?





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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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I would yap with Bill Hunt about stuff before deciding what to get.... he has tons of years experience with the cooking stuff .. and maybe something you put on stove is better than electric , and so on...





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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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able 123,

Thank you for the information. I will have to check it out.

Most books and articles I've read do tend to prefer a stove-top pressure cooker (I buy nothing without research. And I read manuals -- how strange is that?). But part of my idea is to free-up a burner for other things. However; I am always willing to listen to the experience of others (hint, hint)

And, yes, bread-making is a pain -- for me, at least. Funny thing is, I can make pizza dough prefectly fine. But try to make an actual loaf? Forget it! I have made brick-like clods that even the local birds and squirrels refused to try and eat. Lucky I didn't get dinged by the local animal cruelty folks...


Now let's see if this will actually post on the third try (Ye Gods! I Hate this Jive software!)





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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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thats funny.. I did same thing with some left over kaiser rolls...threw some outside patio door for some robins that were out there on grass.  They totally ignored it, and kept looking for worms instead.

I had to go out and retrieve all  the stupid bread crumbs after they left.





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People's Champ ,
Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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What? No ducks in that lake of yours that would be happy to have the bread?






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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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oddly enough... there is only one family of ducks living in the lake in back yard. The are called 'wood ducks' I think. I have no clue. Some neighbor said they were wood ducks. They are kinda brown and there's 2 parents and about 5 little ducks that follow them around.  They aren't HERE all the time either. I guess there's so many other lakes around that they sorta move around a bit ?  Their last 'nest' was apparently here in the reeds that surround the lake near my side of the lake. There are some houses on the other side of lake where it's cleared so the home owners have their little beaches and docks and lawns and so on.

But nooooo... contrary to popular belief ( at least my own city impression ) the bread stuff is NOT GOOD for the ducks

I don't know why. The people in govt here ( Think they are called the DNR )


basically say " bread is not good for ducks. Don't feed them ! "

beats me.....





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Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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wanna hear something else that's really bizarre ????   There are SEAGULLS that hang out at this lake TOO.  Can you believe it ?  We are at least like 1000 miles from the nearest ocean.. and THERE ARE SEAGULLS !  I haven't been able to figure that out. Nobody here seems to know the answer either. I asked .  " Why are there seagulls here ? "  And they say, " I don't know ".

The other week some of the lake froze over a little bit near the shoreline... you know how lakes sorta freeze in 'patches' at first ? Like maybe some area near the shore freezes with a think coating ...but the middle of lake is still watery ?  Anyway, that was the situation ... and there were about 40 SEAGULLS hanging out at this one frozen area....and taking turns flying off and then coming BACK and LANDING on the ice... and they would sorta skid along the ice a bit when they landed....

I'm not kidding.. I think they were having FUN out there SKATING on the ice !!!!!!!





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