I've been wondering whether its possible to change Adobe's 'Load Layers in Stack' script so that it loads RAW files with the white balance adjustments I have made in Camera Raw ('ACR'). At present, the script loads the files as layers with the default ACR (or Lightroom) settings. This means that any white balance adjustments to the file in ACR are ignored and the RAW file is loaded with the WB 'As Shot'. It IS possible to save new ACR default settings, but this doesn't really help because I don't want the WB to be a constant value. The changes I make in ACR are usually subtle and 'by eye'. I would like the script to be mindful of these changes when opening the RAW file.. does anyone have any suggestions? The script is below. // (c) Copyright 2006. Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. /* @@@BUILDINFO@@@ Load Files into Stack.jsx */ // // Load Files into Stack.jsx - does just that. // /* // BEGIN__HARVEST_EXCEPTION_ZSTRING <javascriptresource> <name>$$$/JavaScripts/LoadFilesintoStack/Menu=Load Files into Stack...</name> </javascriptresource> // END__HARVEST_EXCEPTION_ZSTRING */ // debug level: 0-2 (0:disable, 1:break on error, 2:break at beginning) //$.level = (Window.version.search("d") != -1) ? 1 : 0; // This chokes bridge $.level = 0; // debugger; // launch debugger on next line // on localized builds we pull the $$$/Strings from a .dat file $.localize = true; // Put header files in a "Stack Scripts Only" folder. The "...Only" tells // PS not to place it in the menu. For that reason, we do -not- localize that // portion of the folder name. var g_StackScriptFolderPath = app.path + "/"+ localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts") + "/" + localize("$$$/private/LoadStack/StackScriptOnly=Stack Scripts Only/"); $.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "LatteUI.jsx"); $.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "StackSupport.jsx"); $.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "CreateImageStack.jsx"); /************************************************************/ // loadLayers routines loadLayers = new ImageStackCreator( localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/LoadStack/Process/Name=Load Layers"), localize('$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/LoadStack/Auto/untitled=Untitled' ) ); // LoadLayers is less restrictive than MergeToHDR loadLayers.mustBeSameSize = false; // Images' height & width don't need to match loadLayers.mustBeUnmodifiedRaw = false; // Exposure adjustements in Camera raw are allowed loadLayers.mustNotBe32Bit = false; // 32 bit images loadLayers.createSmartObject = false; // If true, option to create smart object is checked. // Add hooks to read the value of the "Create Smart Object" checkbox loadLayers.customDialogSetup = function( w ) { w.findControl('_createSO').value = loadLayers.createSmartObject; if (! app.featureEnabled( localize( "$$$/private/ExtendedImageStackCreation=ImageStack Creation" ) )) w.findControl('_createSO').hide(); } loadLayers.customDialogFunction = function( w ) { loadLayers.createSmartObject = w.findControl('_createSO').value; } // Override the default to use "Auto" alignment. loadLayers.alignStack = function( stackDoc ) { selectAllLayers(stackDoc, 2); alignLayersByContent( "Auto" ); } loadLayers.stackLayers = function() { var result, i, stackDoc = null; stackDoc = this.loadStackLayers(); if (! stackDoc) return; // Nuke the "destination" layer that got created (M2HDR holdover) stackDoc.layers[this.pluginName].remove(); // Stack 'em up. if (this.createSmartObject) { selectAllLayers( stackDoc ); executeAction( knewPlacedLayerStr, new ActionDescriptor(), DialogModes.NO ); } } // "Main" execution of Merge to HDR loadLayers.doInteractiveLoad = function () { this.getFilesFromBridgeOrDialog( localize("$$$/private/LoadStack/LoadLayersexv=LoadLayers.exv") ); if (this.stackElements) this.stackLayers(); } loadLayers.intoStack = function(filelist, alignFlag) { if (typeof(alignFlag) == 'boolean') loadLayers.useAlignment = alignFlag; if (filelist.length < 2) { alert(localize("$$$/AdobeScripts/Shared/LoadLayers/AtLeast2=At least two files must be selected to create a stack."), this.pluginName, true ); return; } var j; this.stackElements = new Array(); for (j in filelist) { var f = filelist ; this.stackElements.push( new StackElement( (typeof(f) == 'string') ? File(f) : f ) ); } if (this.stackElements.length > 1) this.stackLayers(); } if (typeof(loadLayersFromScript) == 'undefined') loadLayers.doInteractiveLoad();
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