We can get uniform pixels of one size by using Filter > Mosaic > Pixelate in photoshop. But how to get pixels of varying sizes as in the ​varyingpixels image( the image shows 10*10,9*10,8*10,7*10 size pixels and not perfect squares but I wish to achieve perfect squares 10*10,9*9,8*8,7*7,6*6..) with a series of 10 size pixel 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3…. And repeat in reverse. I want to achieve the varying size pixels without losing the image. This is possible with sizes who are multiples of each other. For eg: 6 3 3 6 And so on… But with non-multiples there is an overlapping issue vertically . The horizontal difference of pixels is sorted with getting the same image in different sizes pixels separately. And then bringing them together row by row? But the main issue comes with overlapping vertically as seen in the below image. overlapping image. How to resolve that? So my question is how to get varying size of pixels in one image without losing the image.
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