Frustrated and hope you guys can help me out. Been using Premiere for decades, currently on a burly Win system. My issue below started happening just this week, after updating to the newest version of Premiere Pro 2020, and updating my NVIDIA driver originally to the Studio Driver. Unforutneately, that driver corrupted Lumetri modified clips in exisitng projects, so I opted to use the 451.67 Game Ready driver which fixed new Lumetri modded clips. Quick summary of the issue: Scrubber works fine on a project. After importing several different types of media ranging from small PNGs to WAV audio to out of camera GoPro video content, the scrubber will no longer update and behave correctly. Clicking on a menu pulldown will update the play head's position, but still doesn't work interactively. deleting that imported media will immediately allow play head to scrub interactively... System Info: Windows 10 v.1903 Intel i7-5930 3.5GHz 64GB Ram Dual Geforce GTX Titan X Pascal GPUs Game Ready driver version: 451.67 (Studio driver version caused Lumetri issues) Video processing and media on dedicated 1TB SSD Media cache on dedicated 1TB SSD To best see what is happening, check out the 2 minute screen capture video I've linked to here:
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