‎Sep 18, 2006
12:15 PM
Jay, if you turn on directory browsing by setting listings to
true in web.xml (see below), can you get a directory listing of
/cfusion ? If you follow the directory links to
/cfusion/CFIDE/administrator/ can you click on index.cfm and get a
successful result?
By the way, CFMX 7 is not supported to run on JDK 1.5. Use
1.4.2_9 to _12.
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‎Sep 18, 2006
11:11 AM
Just a couple of notes.
1) don't use a '$' in front of the variables you are sending
to Flash.
"$comboData1" should be "comboData1"
2) Not sure about using multipl "echo" statements. I never
have but that doesn't mean you can't.
3) Try something straightforward first, like:
echo 'comboData1=this is data 1';
If that works then move up to trying the variables.
4) The last thing to note is that your PHP variables are
surrounded by quotes.
"$dataForCombobox_1" should be $dataForCombobox_1
Hope these help.
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‎Sep 18, 2006
10:16 AM
sorry about all those links. the forum is under maintainance,
and i will remove the duplicates as soon as i can get in.
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‎Sep 18, 2006
07:16 AM
Unfortunately not, all cfmail does queue the mail in the mail
spool. So if there is a problem with the mail server then the only
real sign is the folder full of mail not being sent.
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‎Sep 18, 2006
07:16 AM
Unfortunately not, all cfmail does queue the mail in the mail
spool. So if there is a problem with the mail server then the only
real sign is the folder full of mail not being sent.
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‎Sep 18, 2006
06:35 AM
You can try it with javascript. I am not sure if it will work
because cfcalendar is a flash control, even though it will work in
an html form.
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‎Sep 18, 2006
04:56 AM
Thanks Roger! That helps clear up some questions we
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‎Sep 14, 2006
03:17 AM
I created it from the scratch in the second computer?
How shall I export/import the site definition
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‎Sep 13, 2006
02:36 PM
Most of this tricks are illusion, the eye is slow and you can
create and see things that are just tricks. I never heard about of
doing this at runtime in flash.
If is not java script then a plugin that can create the
trick?Another softweare that integrate with flash?
Can you send me the link in wich you see it? Any way I will
search because I'm also interest in doing this too. If you know
something else let me know.
... View more
‎Sep 13, 2006
02:36 PM
Most of this tricks are illusion, the eye is slow and you can
create and see things that are just tricks. I never heard about of
doing this at runtime in flash.
If is not java script then a plugin that can create the
trick?Another softweare that integrate with flash?
Can you send me the link in wich you see it? Any way I will
search because I'm also interest in doing this too. If you know
something else let me know.
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‎Aug 25, 2006
09:20 AM
The page as shown is a self-contained ColdFusion script.
There is nothing there that tells it
not to execute. I presume you want something like...
<CFIF loggedIn>
code as shown above
error - please log in.
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‎Aug 10, 2006
11:52 AM
Ok here goes nothing:
Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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charset=iso-8859-1" />
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type="text/css" />
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var time = 3000;
var numofitems = 7;
//menu constructor
function menu(allitems,thisitem,startstate){
callname= "gl"+thisitem;
this.numberofmenuitems = allitems;
this.caller = document.getElementById(callname);
this.thediv = document.getElementById(divname); = startstate;
//menu methods
function ehandler(event,theobj){
for (var i=1; i<= theobj.numberofmenuitems; i++){
var shutdiv =eval( "menuitem"+i+".thediv");"hidden";
function closesubnav(event){
if ((event.clientY <48)||(event.clientY > 107)){
for (var i=1; i<= numofitems; i++){
var shutdiv =eval('menuitem'+i+'.thediv');'hidden';
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... View more
‎Jul 18, 2006
06:03 AM
Coldfusion administrator or <cfschedule> will not
accept values for seconds. You can set intervals but the minimum
interval is 60sec. So you may have to compromise on your
Cheers / Manu.
... View more
‎Jul 18, 2006
06:03 AM
Coldfusion administrator or <cfschedule> will not
accept values for seconds. You can set intervals but the minimum
interval is 60sec. So you may have to compromise on your
Cheers / Manu.
... View more
‎Jul 17, 2006
01:32 PM
Thanks peeper...
I resolve mny prblem with your advice.
My code looks like this:
// With this code I made the popUp Window
mybutton.onRelease = function (){
win = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(_root,
mx.containers.Window, true, { title:"Congreso de Niños :: 2006
::", contentPath:"Joyas2.swf", _width:420, _height:440,
closeButton:true, _x:100 })
// I mix with your cade... And it works perfectly
cerrar = new Object(); = function(){
Thank you very much
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‎Jul 07, 2006
12:46 PM
it is now replaced
how do i change the cell color, font size and the style
for example verdana, italic blue font, yello cell
where do i put the code in this code???
... View more
‎Jun 29, 2006
11:01 AM
I'm always willing to try and learn something new. Does this
slidy thing allow for captions? I couldn't tell in looking at the
code initially - it will take me a while to figure out, believe me!
Hey, from Metro Milwaukee! And a very impressive
resume....architecture, I drool.
I'm from Watertown. Too math-phobic to have studied
architecture, but I love the artistry of it. Buildings are so cool.
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‎Jun 16, 2006
03:23 PM
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‎Jun 09, 2006
09:40 PM
Thank you for replying to my question and after a couple of
hours I was able to figure it out.
Im creating a pop up window with a text field in it and then
I attached a handle mc on the lower right corner of the window
movieclip as a resize handle. So whenever I would stretch my window
movieclip it wont affect the textfield. I resolved it by resizing
the bgmc inside the windowmc instead of just the windowmc(which
will affect the textfield).
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‎May 18, 2006
05:28 AM
Take away the check for an empty string.
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‎May 11, 2006
03:27 PM
HI Tim, I have an XML Doc I'm Loading into flash, No problem
I want to add HTML Tags (Bold, anchor etc) between the XML
<link> Tags example: How do I do this
<caption>Sol Num 213</caption>
<link>The HTML TAGS project was to rehabilitate a two
level building for residential use. The new distribution layout
consisted of three, two-bedroom apartments: one in the first level
and two in the second level. The interior patio was left open for
the maximum use of natural ventilation and illumination. The roof
terrace as well as the front facade was also rehabilitated.
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‎May 10, 2006
03:44 AM
Hi All,
I have a webpage where 4 flvs can be viewed. The problem is
that the playback is very stuttery. Now ive experimented with
lowering the quality in the flash vid encoder but to no avail. The
flv file sizes range from 500k to 2MB but there seems no disernable
difference between the lowest and highest quality in terms of
Hopfully someone can shed some light on this,
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‎May 07, 2006
09:49 AM
scrollTrackColor is a property of the ScrollPane and should
work, just the same way you already did.
But not everything is customizable with styles. For many
things you have to edit the skins.
The documentation for components could be much better...
here is how to edit the skin of the scrollpane:
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