I'm actually surprised that Pr can import this at all--the video is Xvid. Maybe it's some variant that Pr's importers can handle, as Jeff suggested. I dunno--it doesn't play well for me, regardless, and I'm not going to install the Dxtory codec to find out. Anyway, to the matter at hand: while AVIs can, apparently, contain multiple audio tracks, Pr's importers are limited to a single track. However, Pr has other importers than can handle multiple audio tracks. QuickTime--which is a wholly different process--supports multiple audio tracks, as does MXF (some flavors). However, Xvid in QuickTime (which is feasible) won't import in Pr (at least on a PC), and Xvid won't go into an MXF file at all; that means you'd have to transcode. Personally, this would be my choice--but I found that the original clip played back pretty terribly, so that would be why I'd go that route. Additionally, you could extract the second audio track to a separate WAV file, import both the AVI and WAV, and then use the Merge Clips feature to marry them together as one pseudo-clip. Not perfect, but it would work. The benefit is that you don't re-encode anything. So, I've got solutions for both the re-encode/MXF option (my preference) and the AVI/WAV option. Here's proof of the MXF (transcoded video to XDCAMHD422 50Mbps) with four audio channels (stereo must be split to dual mono): At the end of the day, these (or a variation of them) are your only options. Pr simply won't import multiple audio tracks (even dual mono) in an AVI container. Let me know if you're interested in either of the solutions.
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