Hi Colin Holgate​ , Can you try running this Native Objective C code in your iPhone with issue? NSLog(@"Start"); NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; //make a file name to write the data to using the documents directory: NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/filename.txt", documentsDirectory]; NSString *content = @"This is a TEST!!"; [content writeToFile:fileName atomically:NO encoding:NSStringEncodingConversionAllowLossy error:nil]; NSLog(@"Done"); Create a new Xcode Objective C project and put the above code in the function: applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication) It should create a file filename.txt in the app's Document directory with the content "This is a TEST!!" Let us know if you see any abnormal behavior. -Roshan
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