For me, at some stage, the mute button on or off, made no difference, I could only hear audio through the headphones. By fixed, I mean currently, audio works as expected. The only issue is that the mute switch does mute the audio. It doesn't seem to make a difference what SoundMixer.audioPlaybackMode I set - a can always hear audio via headphones regardless of the mute switch position - just through the speakers of the phone - the mute switch, mutes the audio. Phone calls, or minimizing the app pauses our video/audio - and opening Pandora for example, then maximizing our App, the audio continues as expected after clicking play again.. I'm using Feathers SDK 4.0/AIR 33 So the Distriq ANE solves this or just gives us access to the state of the mute switch so we can at least alert our users?
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