Ditto! Finally some relief! 2 days of no spinning, fingers crossed. My earlier Jul 8 fix jennbenn worked for a few days, then it was back to sluggish performance. Thank you SangerEby! iMac 21.5 inch, mid 2010, 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3, 8GB memory; OSX 10.10.5, Creative Cloud, InDesign Slow applies to InDesign only. Other CC apps are fine. Quitting CC Library was not an immediate fix, however. Don't know if it took a few restarts or was a combination of any of the following steps taken. Activity Finder: Force quit CC Library (before opening a file)SangerEby. Activity Finder: Force quit CC Stock Photos (before or after opening a file, can't remember which). Open InDesign. Uncheck the default "Add to CC Library" box in the main InDesign (app open, not file) swatches, character/paragraph style sheet menus. To do this: Add New (swatch, style), uncheck the box in the lower left-hand corner (image below), Add (swatch, style). Delete the newly added swatch, style. Quit application. Open (small, simple) file. Force quit CC Library. (Still spinning. Save file as, reopen file, still spinning. Export as idml, open new file, save, still spinning.) Quit InDesign. Quit Adobe CC. Confirm that all apps are up to date. Trash prefs, cache, etc (again!). Restart. Open InDesign. Rebuild prefs per jjclarkie and others. Interface, options, live screen drawing: delayed. Type: number of recent fonts to display: 0. Display performance, default view, adjust view settings: typical. File handling: number of recent items to display: 0; always save preview images w documents: uncheck. Also, Technology previews, publish online: uncheck (just in case). Restart. Restart. (it took several restarts/force quit CC Library before InDesign performance improvement ) Note: I don't know if it is relevant, but InDesign seemed particularly slow after Sleep. Running Extensis Suitcase 6 (up to date) with font auto-activation turned off. InDesign CC 2015 on a colleague's MBP mid/late 2014 15-in Retina is running smooth, no issues.
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