Apologies if this isn't in the right place, I'm a bit new the forums. I've been using Photoshop CC for years and have never experienced this problem. I'm running on a fairly new (1 year) Macbook Pro with a Cintiq 22HDTouch hooked up to it. Recently, seemingly out of nowhere, my Modifier keys have been "sticky"; when I use keys such as OPTION, COMMAND, CTRL, or SHIFT, they get stuck even after I let go. I realized this wasn't a hardware issue when the same thing happens after using my cintiq's shortcut keys for the modifiers. SHIFT and OPTION seem to be the ones that are making it near impossible for me to do my work. The others don't seem to be as big of an issue. Sometimes photoshop will register my shift key is being held when it's not, or its not registering when Shift is being held down. Same issue goes with Option. These problems only seem to occur while in the program. I updated to the latest photoshop and that seemed to fix the issue for about 3-4 days, and now it's acting up again. I've restarted my computer, I've reinstalled the cintiq and wacom hardware, and I'm out of ideas on what could be causing the issue. I had trouble finding any other forums with existing issues. If I could get some help ASAP, that would be extremely beneficial. Thank you in advanced, Whit
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