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Apologies if this isn't in the right place, I'm a bit new the forums.
I've been using Photoshop CC for years and have never experienced this problem. I'm running on a fairly new (1 year) Macbook Pro with a Cintiq 22HDTouch hooked up to it. Recently, seemingly out of nowhere, my Modifier keys have been "sticky"; when I use keys such as OPTION, COMMAND, CTRL, or SHIFT, they get stuck even after I let go. I realized this wasn't a hardware issue when the same thing happens after using my cintiq's shortcut keys for the modifiers.
SHIFT and OPTION seem to be the ones that are making it near impossible for me to do my work. The others don't seem to be as big of an issue. Sometimes photoshop will register my shift key is being held when it's not, or its not registering when Shift is being held down. Same issue goes with Option. These problems only seem to occur while in the program. I updated to the latest photoshop and that seemed to fix the issue for about 3-4 days, and now it's acting up again. I've restarted my computer, I've reinstalled the cintiq and wacom hardware, and I'm out of ideas on what could be causing the issue.
I had trouble finding any other forums with existing issues. If I could get some help ASAP, that would be extremely beneficial. Thank you in advanced,
2 Correct answers
I've resolved the issue by installing the older Wacom Driver, and by removing all the Panels in the On-Screen Controls tab of the tablet Preferences Window.
I hope it helps!
The last update seemed to fix it for me. Haven't noticed any sticky keys so far, let's hope this does it once and for all.
Driver Version 6.3.44-1 on a Mac with Big Sur 11.2.3 using Intuos Pro Large PTH-851.
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I've resolved the issue by installing the older Wacom Driver, and by removing all the Panels in the On-Screen Controls tab of the tablet Preferences Window.
I hope it helps!
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Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. Modifier keys Shift, Option, Command are critical to drawing straight lines, grabbing, transforming, while using the brush tool. The stickiness was driving me INSANE! Especially when the Option key would still be 'pressed' when I went to select a new brush and it would get cut from the panel. Your solution worked perfectly
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This is exactly the fix. I contacted Adobe earlier and they couldn't tell me how to fix it.
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Thank you, this issue almost drives me crazy,
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Does anyone have a link to this driver for Mac? I can't find it on Wacom's website.
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This fixed it for me... unfortunately I found this page after purchasing a new stylus. Thanks for this, as the sticky key thing (and lack of triple click) has been driving me crazy for a month now.
Digitaltwist, to find the driver go here:
Drivers | Wacom Then change the second drop down to Intuos and you'll see driver 6.3.15-3 listed under Drivers for Intuos.
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Thank you for posting the link to the driver!
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Thank you so much for this solution!
This has been driving me mad for weeks. Thought my newly bought mac mini was to blame.
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Thanks mate.... just what I needed. I hope that Wacom will take this problem on.
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You absolute star! this is the only way I fixed the issue however I did not need to remove all of the on screen panels which is grand!
I reported the issue to Wacom and left a very detailed reply which I hope represents the design industry's frustration!
Hello Tamara,
Please see below for your questions answered in RED AND BOLD. However, I have resolved the problem by searching through forums and it appears that hundreds of people have the same issue. There is only one driver that eliminates the problem of causing sticky keys to be forced into use. For example, if I drew a line in Illustrator (Adobe) and pressed CMD it would then stay ‘pressed’ even after release and I would have to press it two more times for the key to be ‘released’. However, I did some research myself and the Wacom driver 6.3.15-3 is the only driver that fixes this issue. It isn’t isolated to just the Adobe suite but that is where I first noticed the issue. I used to use the most up-to-date Wacom driver for the Intuos Pro but uninstalled that driver and installed the 6.3.15-3. This seems to be an extremely common problem with Wacom products across the design industry that apparently has been going on at least 2013 (the first account logged with this specific issue on a specific forum).
I initially tried to use the most up-to-date driver from Wacom and deleted all adjustments and other tools used by the tablet so it would not register anything with the express keys or even the touch ring (the touch ring is a fantastic tool by the way), but alas the problem persisted and that is when I swapped drivers.
I suggest this is something that is taken forward to the technical team at Wacom as it isn’t something that should be an issue. I originally came from a Product Design background and the rule of thumb is, if your customer struggles to use your product you have not done your job correctly. Especially considering it seems so common!
Not having a moan at you so please do not take it personally! It is just a product that is vital to my industry and every designer invests a lot in their tablet. Considering that Adobe is what nearly every single designer uses, it should not conflict or override any settings with keyboards without the ability to change it.
Kind regards,
Graphic Designer"
She asked me for my mac details etc and originally assumed it was an issue with adobe but my issues presented themselves on to the dock too. So Wacom need to get their act together!
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You cannot BELIEVE how happy I am to have found this solution. I googled various combinations of "shift alt bug illustrator cc17 sierra" but I never thought of the wacom beeing the problem. Then I found this page.
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i'm so happy to have found this thread, it was driving me crazy!
thanks a lot and merry x-mas / happy new year y’all.
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Wacom is aware of the issue. I contacted them and got the reply:
"Unfortunately, the issue related with sticky keys when using shift, alt, cmd are know issue and our Wacom Developers are working on it with Apple in order to release a new driver which will includes this issue as a fixed one.
As you mentioned already, our previous driver 6.3.15-3 version should be solution for now."
That is good to know because the latest driver was even worse than the previous.
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i'm so happy that i finally found a solution with the older driver version 6.3.15-3, and also that there are others having this problem.
for months i thought i am going crazy:( or my computer:) first i thought that it was photoshop issue.
it is really bad that wacom couldn't see that there is huge problem with their software. the last driver is even worse, the functions of Shift and Cmd are completely broken.
and frankly why are all these people complaining here in the Adobe forum? is there a wacom forum?
hope that the next driver release will resolve the problem.
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Wow great, thanks! This solved it for me as well.
(Was running the latest drivers and had a stuck Command key in Photoshop that was messing up my workflow big time.)
Thought it had something to do with my Apple Magic Keyboard and the bluetooth connection. Also bought a new MacBook Pro and switched from Intuos Pro to Intuos. Am happy to know it is unrelated to that.
Apparently it's the driver itself that's causing the issue. Not bluetooth. Not the Wacom Tablet itself.
Thanks for posting your solution!
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Thank you thank you thank you!
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I downloaded that driver and it is an old school type of desktop center for Wacom, but my tablet is not even working. I don't know what to do, please help me. you're apparently the only one that came up with a solution.
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You are a freaking savior! Thank you so much! I was literally going mad trying to figure out what went wrong. Even had to reformat and downgrade my OS, try different hardware, and all along it was Wacom's Drivers, the last place on earth I would have looked for this problem, go figure.
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Thank you SO much - that was the lifesaver I needed! I'm working on a comic book and these "sticky keys" were making my life terrible.
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Hi to everyone. It's definitely the Wacom's driver problem.
Earlier on Windows I used my Bamboo as the only manipulator for all the tasks. After moving to Mac OS and recently to Intuos Pro S I prefer to use Apple Trackpad for gestures in Mac OS due to its origin and smoother functionality than a touch option of Intuos Pro. It's horrible. So I use Intuos Pro only for graphics now. I notice "sticky" modifiers right after "switching"from the trackpad to Intuos. When switch back the issue disappears. And the issue not only with Adobe products. I see multiple file selection with Wacom pen in Path Finder like Cmd is pressed rather than a single file without. Short Cmd "unpressing" usually helps but this action annoys me.
Anyway thanks for the solution! I've also had to roll back to older driver in the past but latest one fixed other faults. I hope this workaround will help me as well.
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Okay, I know I said it was working. But, it only works for about 10 minutes. Then the sticky keys slowly start occurring again. Really hoping Wacom can fix this asap.
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Did you uninstall all wacom software, drivers and restarted before installing the old Driver
That may be the reason why the issue came back.
Also make sure that's Driver
Let us know!
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Also for some, all the Panels in the On-Screen Controls tab of the tablet Preferences Window must be removed.