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Apologies if this isn't in the right place, I'm a bit new the forums.
I've been using Photoshop CC for years and have never experienced this problem. I'm running on a fairly new (1 year) Macbook Pro with a Cintiq 22HDTouch hooked up to it. Recently, seemingly out of nowhere, my Modifier keys have been "sticky"; when I use keys such as OPTION, COMMAND, CTRL, or SHIFT, they get stuck even after I let go. I realized this wasn't a hardware issue when the same thing happens after using my cintiq's shortcut keys for the modifiers.
SHIFT and OPTION seem to be the ones that are making it near impossible for me to do my work. The others don't seem to be as big of an issue. Sometimes photoshop will register my shift key is being held when it's not, or its not registering when Shift is being held down. Same issue goes with Option. These problems only seem to occur while in the program. I updated to the latest photoshop and that seemed to fix the issue for about 3-4 days, and now it's acting up again. I've restarted my computer, I've reinstalled the cintiq and wacom hardware, and I'm out of ideas on what could be causing the issue.
I had trouble finding any other forums with existing issues. If I could get some help ASAP, that would be extremely beneficial. Thank you in advanced,
2 Correct answers
I've resolved the issue by installing the older Wacom Driver, and by removing all the Panels in the On-Screen Controls tab of the tablet Preferences Window.
I hope it helps!
The last update seemed to fix it for me. Haven't noticed any sticky keys so far, let's hope this does it once and for all.
Driver Version 6.3.44-1 on a Mac with Big Sur 11.2.3 using Intuos Pro Large PTH-851.
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Have you tried the drivers from my post above? They are the latest ones I could find that work without major issues.
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Nope, same problem. I recorded the behavior.
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Curious. Not experiencing the same behaviour here at all. I'm using a Cintiq 13HD which is hardware that existed when that older driver was made. I wonder if that has a bearing.
In case it helps, I did remove the driver using the Wacom tablet utility tool first and then made sure that the preference file and assorted files in the Library folder were gone before I restarted and then installed the older driver.
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In this video you can see that the pen double-clicks many times. Sometimes it activates the drag mode and prevents it from using other windows.
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Whilst I have occasionally experienced the double click issue still, it isn't to the degree shown in your video.
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Hi, does it help of you raise your arm with the wacom up really high in between the clicks? That seemed to work for me. Still very annoying of course.
The only solution that really worked for me was to downgrade Sierra, install everything anew, and use an older driver.
Also, please mention your problem to Wacom on the Wacom forum. They should know about the amount of people experiencing this problem!
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I must reiterate that if you are experiencing the double-clicking and inability to drag / select windows, PLEASE contact Wacom. I've been in contact but I don't think they're aware how big the problem is. My tablet has been unusable for almost 7 months and that is completely unacceptable. (I've tried old drivers. Still a problem on Sierra)
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Well, here we have 3 macs with 3 intuos pro with the SAME problem. This
happened after we updated to Sierra.
2017-02-14 15:37 GMT-02:00 pj86003706 <>:
Problem with "Sticky" Modifier keys? created by pj86003706
<> in *Photoshop General
Discussion* - View the full discussion
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It's official! 6.3.19-6 is a disaster.
6.3.15-3 is the least problematic driver but still have the pen sticking problem.
Cheers Wacom!
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Hi, I just purchased a new Cintiq 22 hd touch and have been having lots of technical issues. I hoping with your experience some of you may lend me some insight. I'm trying to determine if the issues i am having are more than the usual and if they are beyond the sticky key issues. I am on the latest driver 6.3.19-6 and so far I have only worked in Illustrator CC. These are some of what I'm experiencing:
Expresskey issues:
New Layer opens a folder on my computer rather than giving me a new layer
Save works but after one use "save" stays greyed out under the drop down file menu
Shift key works for selecting several objects but doesn't hold the shape of a round circle
Doesn't always select object or tools
When selecting the black arrow i get the white arrow
When selecting a graphic style line in my graphics style panel and then selecting the pen tool the tool doesn't draw in that style. I have to draw and then select the style
I use a wireless keyboard
Some keys work while others don't, Delete in particular doesn't work.
Other issues i had was with the stand. It doesn't rotate. I've resolved this with Wacom but not without some distressing process. I first used their online chat and the rep told me that the stand is not meant to rotate. I then called in and was told the same by the phone rep. I asked for a manager and he agreed that the stand, as shown in their Youtube videos, is meant to rotate.
Ultimately I will get a wall mount stand but with all these issues I am now deciding if I should even replace this machine with another one or just get a refund.
I would love some feed back from those of you that are long time users of both the 22 cintiq and Illustrator.
Thank you,
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my solution with 6.3.19-6:
I use the EXPRESS-KEYS for command and alt/option
the first expresskey is "command" and the second is "option"
it works with or without left-click
Screenshot in German:
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New email response from Wacom technical support this morning:
"Dear Shane,
Thanks for the follow up and sending in the video - that helped. OK - that is a know issue with the last driver. The Driver team is working on correcting that, and there will be a driver release in the next week or two to fix that. Very sorry - please watch for the new driver being posted."
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I can't believe how incompetent those people are... I mean it really only takes a mediocre QA team to catch critical bugs like these, but going ahead and releasing a new version that breaks for everyone is just plain pathetic. What's going on at Wacom? The last couple years they had been pretty consistently lazy.
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Worked for me, like charm, I have a Intuos Pen & Touch CTH480 finally functional
if somebody need the driver this is the link:
or Torrent Magnet URI Shortener (us)
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There was a new driver for Intuos Pro (6.3.19-10) released today, 27 december.
Has anyone tried it?
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Is that for Windows or Mac?
I tried the Mac driver released on 23. December, that one was even worse than all the others. It wouldn't allow me to change brush size by holding down Option+Control.
Jakob Muxoll
+45 21255267
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I was refeering to the Mac driver which was released today. I see that the latest driver for Windows was released 12 december though.
Erik Nylund
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I downloaded the new Mac Intuos Pro driver (as of 12-27-16) and tried it out this morning.
They seemed to have fixed the sticky keys issue, and modifier keys seem to be working now. But when navigating in finder and elsewhere I'm still getting strange phantom double-clicking and inability to change the active window.
Here is a video I made that shows the specific problems I'm having:
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im also having this problem with the 6.3.15-3 driver, but not as bad shown in your video.
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TLDR: I've got exactly the same problem as ProdigyShane in his video. Making my Wacom completely unusable, so I disconnected it for now. Thanks for making that video ProdigyShane, hope the Wacom guys will see this one too and it will help them to fix this issue.. fast!
Long version:
I'm using the Intuos Pro Medium on a Macbook Pro 15".
When I was running El Capitan it was already quite bad: erratic double click behaviour, not possible to make selections, but I could still kind of work around it and use Photoshop. (Actually, I first thought I had a weird 'sticky' key stuck in my external full size keyboard - so I cleaned out all my keyboard keys. Then when that didn't help I figured out it was the Wacom).
Then I upgraded my Macbook to Sierra and everything went from bad to worse: Erratic double click behaviour very often now, AND the incredibly annoying can't focus/click on a underlying window problem. Tried out many drivers - clean deinstalling old driver, reboot, reinstalling new drivers, reboot (tried out 6.3.19-6, 6.3.15-3, 6.3.15-2, 6.3.9w3), but nothing worked. Also tested it out with an older Intuos 3, same problems. Spent a full 4 hours trying to fix this, without a solution. I now disconnected the entire Wacom. I don't want to roll back to El Capitan and having to back up my entire computer.. so hoping a driver will soon fix it, also for Sierra.
Edit: just tried out 6.3.19-10 (with clean deinstall + reboots) and it still doesn't work: erratic double click in finder, can't focus/click when it's the second click in a window. Solution: lift your hand super high up in the air and then you can click it (sometimes) (thanks for the tip in your movie ProdigyShane). New problem: some of the settings in the Wacom Preferences, show up as "empty".
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I've installed the newest driver (6.3.19-10) and it works. Unlike ProdigyShane who uses a more sophisticated model I see no more issues - everything works fine for me - at last! (MacMini, El Capitan, Intuos P S)
* * *
Kudos for whitty​​ for starting the thread. Too bad I got here only now - I had struggled with the "sticky keys" for months and almost trashed a good keyboard...
At first I suspected CC was the troublemaker but soon realised the problem affected Finder too. I tried to google the issue but somehow couldn't find this thread then. Lately Wacom sent 6.3.19-6 and the annoying "sticky keys" turned into unbearable "no-modifier-keys-at-all". Luckily they quickly patched it with 6.3.19-10.
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I have the same ISSUE with my Wacom Intuos Pro, the key option or others modification keys, don't work when I move the pen in to the wacom.
Please, anybody have a solution yet?
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My solution to get my Wacom working again:
Backup all my files, clean reinstall of my entire laptop, downgraded back from Sierra to El Capitan. Reinstalled all apps, put all my files back. Install the 15-3 driver. Disable touch ring, express keys and panels (as suggested earlier in this thread). Finally, my Wacom works properly again.
There's more on this on the Wacom Forum:
Driver 6.3.19-6 - STILL BUGGY - Wacom Forum - Wacom Europe GmbH
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It's already 2017 and no fix!
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Not only that, Wacom has not answered my email that I sent to them over a week ago regrading this issue. Pretty pathetic customer service if you ask me.