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How to download a 32 bit version cs5 through the site? (even if it's with a trail)

New Here ,
Nov 02, 2012 Nov 02, 2012

I originally downloaded the trial version, then purchased a hard copy at my college and just inputed the CD's key that was in the box. For the life of me, I cannot find that cd and box.  When I downloaded the full trial, I only downloaded the 64 bit and I want/need the 32 bit for some of the options that aren't available to 32 bit. Is there a way I can download a 32 bit version through the site.

Right now the download option on the site brings me to a broken page with just a list of links that make it difficult to go down the right path.

I don't mind installing a trial and putting in my key. But I do have a question about that. If I install the 32bit version on the same computer I installed the 64 bit version, will that suck up my "up to two installs" that I get with the key?

Som help would be appreciated.


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LEGEND , Nov 03, 2012 Nov 03, 2012
Nov 03, 2012 Nov 03, 2012
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