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I've downloaded the latest updated which is supposed to support Fuji XT3 RAF files. I does indeed now at least recognise them but changing the white balance to anything other than 'As Shot' results in a horrible green colour cast - this needs fixed asap and should never have been released with as issue as obvious as this!
Image on shown on the Left is a 'Cloudy' white balance and 'As shot' on the right.
1 Correct answer
Hi NorthernXposure,
Sorry to hear that the raw images from the Fuji XT-3 are changing the white balance with a green tint once "As shot" option is selected. this. Our Engineering team have identified this issue and currently working on it.
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Hi NorthernXposure,
Sorry to hear that the raw images from the Fuji XT-3 are changing the white balance with a green tint once "As shot" option is selected. this. Our Engineering team have identified this issue and currently working on it.
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Thanks Akash, wrong way round though 🙂 'As shot' looks ok - it's all the other options eg Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Shade etc that cause the problem.
Regards, David
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I have same issue with Fuji X-T3... Problem also exists for X-T3 files in the updated Photoshop / Camera Raw 11.
I noticed that when X-T3 RAF files imported with ""as Shot" develop settings that there is an inordinant amont of magenta tint applied in the develop module of approx +58 ? .... although the "as shot" image looks fine on screen, but as previous report when devating from "as shot" the image goes all to pot!
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I believe if you read the response from Akash you'll find that he has indicated that Adobe engineering has identified the problem and is working on it. I have downloaded a sample image from that camera model and can confirm the issue. But at this time there isn't an immediate fix. It is something that will have to be remedied in an upcoming update.
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You kind of have to wonder though why this version of Lightroom was released when they 'knew' about it - there's another forum post about Adobe's DNG convertor app that was released a couple of weeks ago that apparently had the same reported issue.
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I just sold my Nikon D500 and purchased the XT-3. I was shocked that I can’t get the results I was used too.
My yearly subscription is due to be renewed in two months and I will not renew if this item is not corrected. I can spend the $119 on another program that works.
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A couple of things.
1. Most Many long term Fuji X owners have hated Adobe RAF conversion from day 1. Some of this is earned (by Adobe) especially early on, some of this is perceived (the poor RAF conversion line of thought took on a life of its own early on), some of this has been fixed, some of this is user error (typically by those who sharpen early on and especially over sharpen).
As a result many Fuji X owners use third party RAF converters. Very popular is Iridient X-Transformer.
Iridient Digital - Iridient X-Transformer
2. I encourage you to join if not already a member.
P.S. Adobe fouled up on the X-T3, not only in LightRoom, but in Adobe Camera Raw, and in the DNG converter (all related, all the same issue)
No, the fuji users are not happy with Adobe.
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I just joined Fuji-Forum several days ago. I pay yearly for LR/PS and plan on dropping my subscription when it’s due soon. It was great when I had my D500 but doesn’t seem to work the same with myXT-3. It appears that Fuji is a niche camera market and not enough users to force Adobe to correct the problem. And, Fuji doesn’t have the clout as well.
This wouldn’t be a problem if it were Nikon, Canon or Sony. I should have done more research when I considered making the switch as Sony doesn’t seem to have this problem. I do love my camera but don’t like the fact that I can’t use the software I am used to. Once I switch from Adobe there is no returning.
I appreciate you reaching out to me even if it’s bad news.
Thank you
Sent from my iPad
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It really seems like Fujifilm should be sending this update to Adobe for their raw format. I like what Fujifilm is doing for cameras, but the X raw format is very different from the Sony/Nikon and Canon formats. You can blame Adobe, but I think that Fujifilm is more responsible for this dilemma being unresolved.
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Its been resolved. in LR 8.1 for previously edited RAF images, change the profile to Adobe Standard V2 (the v2 is new for the X-T3, some 6 cameras, three Canons, this one Fuji, a Panasonic, and I forget what the remaining on is, have Adobe Standard V2 profiles). Then select the profile you really want, Adobe Landscape, a camera specific one for Fuji, whichever.
As for new RAF images, LR will now use the Adobe Standard V2 as default (even if you are seeing something else at the top of the basic panel, LR will have first gone and applied Adobe Standard V2 before applying another profile)
Now, if your a Canon EOS R user, apparently not so great, either that or those users are not making an adjustment.
ONE BIG PISSING ISSUE: Adobe has not put this out in nice bold print, we only learn about this via other members that have called Adobe. Its not in known issues, its not in known issues fixed, its not in new features.
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how do i update to version 8.1 from 7.5 when i check for updates its says there is no updates available
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Hi Thomas, Two questions...
1. Are you subscribed to Adobe Creative Cloud
2. Have you upgraded/installed to Lightroom Classic first?
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hi northern
yes i have a creative cloud subscription
thats the problem it won't let me update for some reason when i click on update it says theres no updates available
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Sign out of the Adobe Creative Cloud application, then sign back in, and see if Updates are now available.
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hi dj i have done that nothing happens just get same message
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Sign out of the Creative Cloud application, un-install it, then download and install the latest version, and then sign in.
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ill give it a try
will this affect any files in lightroom etc
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It has no effect on your catalog or photos
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hi dj
if i uninstall lightroom classic from creative cloud application will it let me re install with out affecting my catalogue
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Uninstall/re-install does not affect your catalog.
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thanks again
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The problem is fixed. Now as for Adobe treating Fuji bad, go in this forum and see what the new Canon EOS R users are saying, they are pissed.
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i have a slightly different issue
i just upgraded from XT2 to XT3 and now i can't get raf files to open at all
i am using version 7.5 but when i check for updates it says there is no updates available and won't let me change to version 8.1
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What operating system version are you using? See Lightroom Classic CC system requirements

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