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I'm on a mac (Catalina 10.15) using Photoshop CC (I'm all updated) – working on a relatively small psd layered file, when I "Save As.." to save a jpg, it asks me if I want to replace the existing jpg, which I do because I want it to update the link in my Illustrator file. But it doesn't replace over my existing jpg only saves it as a copy. It also skips, what seems really abruptly, to the end of the process without allowing me to even delete the word "copy" from the file name. It also comes up with a warning "File must be saved as a copy with this selection". The only way I can replace the old jpeg is to go "Export as web legacy" which is okay, but its a lot slower to get to from A to B especially if you have to make a lot of nudging-like adjustments.
If I could undertsand why its doing this to avoid it... or what I'm doing wrong, even though I haven't really changes the way I've done things.
Thanks for your assistance!
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I'm not a Mac person, but a friend of mine who is a programmer suggested that this may be a Spotlight issue, i.e. the system wide search blocking items. You may try to disable it in the system settings at the cost of file searches without indexing then becoming slower. It also seems that you can re-enable it after a while and the index then gets rebuild from scratch with correct permissions, which may alse avoid the issues.
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Thanks Mylenium,
I will try this tomorrow and to be honest I dont use Spotlight anyway! Thanks for your response and help!
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It's a known issue and has been reported more info
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Oh great, thanks Ged! I did try doing a search on the community forum but probably didnt put in the right search words. At least I know its not me! I wondered if it might have been an upgrade compatibility issue as I had only upgraded PSD a week ago and there were other saving issues then too.
Thanks for responding so quckly!