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Using 'getFiles()' in a script gives me files from the wrong folder

New Here ,
Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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Hi, I'm having a bizzare issue when I try to create an array of files in a folder which I think I've narrowed down to the getFiles() function.


Here's a script I have that' sintended to display a filename from a folder of .tif files on my machine




var path = new Folder("D:\Client\Headboards TIF\Batch 1\Head");
var fileList = path.getFiles();




But instead of seeing one of these tif files, it gives me this an alert reading 'AdobeLinguistic.dll' which is a file from photoshop's root folder, nowhere near where I asked it to look!


Thi ahppens when I use a string for the folder and when I ahve the user select a folder themselves via selectDlg(). Does anyone have any insight as to why I keep getting an array of files from photoshop's install folder?


I'm using a fully up-to-date Photoshop 2020 on a Windows 10 machine.


Thank you all in advance!


EDIT: Solved this directly after posting, it turns out my problem was calling the variable 'path'. After renaming this now works as intended!

Actions and scripting






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