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Hello all,
I am having an issue with the typewriter tool. I cannot seem to change my font on about 95% of my PDFs? Every once in awhile I am able to change the font and size. But I cannot find a consistancy and cannot figure out the issue? When I want to write on the PDFs to change size or font, it won't allow me to. Any ideas?
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Bon dia lorne17,
Perhaps you need to run a "repair" on Acrobat?
While the change options for Acrobat 8.x Pro/3D are not as fully featured
as those in Acrobat Pro Extended, both do have change options.
With either application I can consistently access the available choices in a fairly
straight forward manner.
Using Acrobat 3D (8.1.4)
Open the Typewriter toolbar. With the Hand tool selected, single click on a text string
entered earlier by the Typewriter tool. The cursor shape becomes up-down, left-right
arrows. Double Click.
The mouse pointer is now an "I-beam" and a blinking cursor line is present at the insertion point. Click-drag to select text.
The Typewriter toolbar's change options become accessible.
(text size and line spacing)
With the text string still selected, right click for the context menu. Go to the bottom
entry (Text Style) from which a secondary menu is presented for some choices for
text style.
Using Acrobat Pro Extended (9.1)
A similar approach. Hand tool > double click > use "I-beam" to click-drag for text selection.
Options for change are now accessible on the Typewriter toolbar.
Unlike Acrobat 8, you have font color, font type and font size as choices with
Acrobat 9.
Be well...
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You can't change text of the typewriter tool. When you add text with the TouchUp Text Tool you can change the font.
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Yes I am aware of this tool. But I used the Typewriter tool to write on top of the actual PDF. Sometimes it allows me to use the tools in the typewriter toolbox and most of the time it doesn't. How do I activate these tools to allow the text I type, using the typewriter tool to input new text on top of the PDF??
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Activate the TouchUp Text Tool, press the Ctrl key and point on the document.
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I think we are talking about two different methods of typing on the page. I prefer to use the 'Typewriter' Tool, under Tools>Typewriter. The TouchUp Text Tool is something I don't use.
When I use the Typewriter tool, I can move, and position the text I typed. But the font, size, increase/decrease size, increase/decrease line spacing and the color options stay greyed out in the Typewriter toolbar. That used to show as options I can select and not greyed out. Why is this?
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Did you click into the text?
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Yes, I've tried changing the text before typing while having the typewriter tool active. I've tried clicking the text to change it. I've tried highlighting the text to change it. I've tried to go to properties of the text, and no options under there.
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Can you post a sample?
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Here is my experience. I could not activate the typewriter toools' font change, size and type boxes , located next to the Typewriter Logo,either. They were faded out and not active. So, when I typed something in the typewriter box, I highlighted ( selected) the typed text, then i double clicked on it. suddenly, the inactive typewriter features, like font size, spacing, type,etc., became active!
So, try, double clicking on the placed text.
I was using Standard Ver.9
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Hard to believe the degree of difficulty here. This is what I've read or tried:
Acrobat 9.5.5 Standard, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Enabling the typewriter toolbar - it's always been enabled and text size changes used to work
Starting to type 'off the margin' of the document' - no joy
Changing PDF/A View Mode (always been 'never') - no joy
Editing the registry - not going there
Scanning option is set to OCR
Printing the scan back to a PDF - no joy
Scanning color, gray or black & white, no difference, no joy
Killed the acrobat process in Task Manager - wow, that did it
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Adobe 9 Standard - 9.5.3: Alt+F8 to reset your toolbars, then add them back in. Worked for me. Still need to double-click and select tet before the typewrittere edit buttons become un-grayed.
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I have been trying to solve this for far too long. This worked!!! You are my hero! 🙂
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Bon dia lorne17,
Perhaps you need to run a "repair" on Acrobat?
While the change options for Acrobat 8.x Pro/3D are not as fully featured
as those in Acrobat Pro Extended, both do have change options.
With either application I can consistently access the available choices in a fairly
straight forward manner.
Using Acrobat 3D (8.1.4)
Open the Typewriter toolbar. With the Hand tool selected, single click on a text string
entered earlier by the Typewriter tool. The cursor shape becomes up-down, left-right
arrows. Double Click.
The mouse pointer is now an "I-beam" and a blinking cursor line is present at the insertion point. Click-drag to select text.
The Typewriter toolbar's change options become accessible.
(text size and line spacing)
With the text string still selected, right click for the context menu. Go to the bottom
entry (Text Style) from which a secondary menu is presented for some choices for
text style.
Using Acrobat Pro Extended (9.1)
A similar approach. Hand tool > double click > use "I-beam" to click-drag for text selection.
Options for change are now accessible on the Typewriter toolbar.
Unlike Acrobat 8, you have font color, font type and font size as choices with
Acrobat 9.
Be well...
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Acrobat 9.1 Pro - the only solution for me is closing and opening acrobat and then using the typewriter before any other tools. Not a real solution as it wastes considerable time. After using other tools and returning to typewriter, often the options (color, font, size) are gone until I close and re-open. Does anyone have a better solution?
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Good one Puckhockey, that worked for me (close Acrobat and reload). Other solutions further down may also work. Will try a couple next time the stupid font manager doesn't work. Like someone said - ADOBE PLEASE FIX THIS GLITCH (Win 7/64 Acrobat 9.4 standard)
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I have just downloaded the trial version of the Acrobat Pro X hoping to make some
low level changes to PDF visiting cards. I have spent the last 2 hours reading the forum trying to figure out how to get round this bug.
I will definitely not be purchasing the product until Adobe solves the problem. This subject has been open and discussed in the forum for months now and Adobe has not even fixed it. What a shame!
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I don't think you understand the purpose of the typewriter tool. It is to add information to an existing pdf, not to edit eg, a scanned or printed pdf. You cannot treat Acrobat like a word processor. No-one would try to produce a business card in Acrobat or to edit an existing card. You need a word processor for that. However, I do agree that the typewriter tool is a pain in the neck, at least in Acrobat 9.
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Out of all the suggestions offered here, only puckhockey's consistently works for me.
I wonder if Adobe ever actually has people test the user interface of their products (especially Adobe Acrobat) who do not actually write the interface.
It is ALL IMPORTANT that the folks who write the interface code DO NOT participate in the tests until after interface testing is concluded.
The Adobe Acrobat interface operation appears to be written by beginners. No doubt they've met all their design requirements with regard to cutting, pasting, moving objects around - but unless you know the code you're in for one hell of a frustrating time trying to use the product.
Adobe can contact me at any time. I'm happy to offer my expertise to effect real improvement in their user interface in exchange for a nominal consulting fee.
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Just wanted to say thank you and I love you! You just saved me HOURS of work with that tip. They typewriter tool has just become my favorite.
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I have the same problem! Did you ever get it resolved?
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Hi Lorne!
Try this. Go into your Preferences (Edit --> Preferences) and choose the "Documents" category. In the PDF/A View Mode select "never" for "View documents in PDF/A mode." Let me know if this helps.
The other thing to try in a document where Typewriter doesn't work properly is Tools --> Typewriter --> Enable Typewriter Tool in Adobe Reader. Sometimes this works for me.
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I appreciate the response and help. Lately it has been working. Probably just because it knows I seeked help
So when it does stop working agian, Bashinsk, I will attempt your suggestions.
Thanks for the responses.
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Thanks Bashinks!!! Had this same problem and your suggestion worked!!!!
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bashinsk wrote:
Hi Lorne!
Try this. Go into your Preferences (Edit --> Preferences) and choose the "Documents" category. In the PDF/A View Mode select "never" for "View documents in PDF/A mode." Let me know if this helps.
The other thing to try in a document where Typewriter doesn't work properly is Tools --> Typewriter --> Enable Typewriter Tool in Adobe Reader. Sometimes this works for me.
This solution worked for me!!!!
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Thanks to NickR1 and Bashinsk,
Thanks, will do. I have also found that starting the text in the margins (off the white page area) works as well and then continues to work long after it is moved onto the page or copied or anything.
Changing the preferences to pdf/A 'never' also worked a treat. Frustration over now. I will go back under my more capital letters needed.