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Hola, resulta que de un dia para otro al abrir los pdf desde el explorador de archivos me sale un cuadro el cual pone error interno y pues como que le cuesta al pc abrir el pdf, el explorador de archivos a veces se congela y no responde hasta pasados 20 o 30 segundos y ya abre el pdf, tampoco puedo ver la vista previa como antes, si abro el programa todo funciona perfecto pero si abro los pdf desde el explorador es cuando aparece este mensaje y empieza a fallar, incluso el pc anda lento hasta que logra abrir el pdf, he desinstalado y vuelto a instalar el programa y nada, tambien he hecho varias cosas que aparecen en el foro y sigue sin solucionarse, es muy molesto y antes todo esto no me ocurría, espero que me puedan ayudar.
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See if the solution offered in the topic linked below helps:
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Hola si siguen con el problema les comparto la solución!!! jejejeje
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See if the solution offered in the topic linked below helps:
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See if the solution offered in the topic linked below helps:
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¡Muchas gracias! Era justo eso, ¿tienes alguna idea de porque se crean esas cuentas? Solo por saber.
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You're very welcome.
I have no clue why this is happening.
But, I have seen this behavior in my nee Windows 11 computer but not on my older Windows 10.
Seems like after an update a system process becomes the owner of other system processes as if they were user accounts, and also, it changes the attributes on my current user account.
For example, only read access but not read amd write full access.
Could be a bug.
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The fix that someone found (without Adobe's help i might add!) doesnt work for everyone.
@adobe please can we have an update on this? You've been silent on this issue since september. The solutions mentioned aren't working for everyone. It's been months. PDFs are a staple part of my day to day, and they're constantly crashing my machine, not saving, not loading, not previewing, crashing programs etc etc. Whats going on, when will this be fixed?
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Hola si siguen con el problema les comparto la solución!!! jejejeje
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Hope you are doing well.
Thanks for sharing the solution. I believe this will be helpful for future users coming to the community with similar problems.